We Don't Know How To Quit This Story: Brokeback Law Firm

In the reader poll to pick a nickname for the litigation between gay lawyer Aaron Charney and his former employer, Biglaw behemoth Sullivan & Cromwell, we were rooting for “Sullying Cromwell.”
We thought it was reasonably cute and nicely captured the essence of the litigation. We viewed “Brokeback Lawfirm” as a bit dated, and “White Shoe Diaries” as too opaque.
But we’ve been outvoted — just as we were when we tried to push “Noajeannie” over “Feldsuk” as the mono-moniker for celebrity professors Noah Feldman and Jeannie Suk. And we will listen to the will of the people.
We kept the polls open for a while, in the hope that the results would change. But there’s one clear winner, and gaming the timing won’t change the results:

To the devoted partisans of “White Shoe Diaries,” we’re sorry. Your tastes are too refined and too erudite for the gutter world of tabloid journalism.
As we think about it a bit more, “Brokeback Lawfirm” is growing on us. It has a “so bad it’s good” quality to it. It’s kinda lame, but defiant rather than embarrassed about its lameness. We think it will do just fine.
