Still More on Andrew Speaker

The Atlanta lawyer who has been quarantined with a case of drug-resistant tuberculosis, Andrew H. Speaker, has become an overnight celebrity of the legal world. And we’re happy to bring you more information about him.
First, from a fellow alum of the University of Georgia Law School, who knows Andrew Speaker personally:

He was a generally well-liked, pretty gregarious fellow, who did reasonably well in law school as far as I know.

I like it when a product of UGA Law makes the national news, but not this way!

Second, from the Denver Post:

[T]he patient, who had hastily left Rome earlier this week after CDC officials begged him to go into isolation at a hospital there, told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution on Tuesday that he thought the security was excessive.

“I’m a very well-educated, successful, intelligent person,” he told the paper. “This is insane to me that I have an armed guard outside my door when I’ve cooperated with everything other than the whole solitary-confinement-in-Italy thing.”

Third, as several commenters pointed out, Speaker’s wife, Sarah Cooksey, appears to have a personal website.
A screencap, plus links and more discussion, after the jump.

Here’s the webpage of Sarah Spence Cooksey (her maiden name; we don’t know if she’s taking his name). It looks like it was prepared as an undergraduate class project. Our annotations appear in green.

Based on this website, it seems that Sarah Cooksey has a daughter from a prior marriage. Is she a divorcee? Or has she been widowed before? The engagement announcement doesn’t say.
In any event, in light of recent events, Sarah Cooksey may wish to give her web page a new title:


TB patient arrives in Denver [Denver Post]
My Fun Life: Sarah Cooksey gtg112m [personal website]
Earlier: Lawyer of the Day: Andrew Speaker
Andrew Speaker’s Annotated Engagement Announcement
