ATL Way Back Weekend

We tend not to write much over the weekend — usually just a post here or there. But this weekend we’ll try something new.
Some radio stations have what they call “wayback weekends,” during which they play music from past decades. We’re going to borrow this idea and declare today and tomorrow to be ATL’s own Way Back Weekend.
What does this entail? We’re going to write about items that are no longer timely — things that we meant to write about at an earlier time, but somehow never got around to. As it turns out, there are many such items. Lately we haven’t been able to keep up with all the news that’s been breaking and all the tips that you’ve been sending in (for which we thank you).
Some of these posts are going to be short, even cryptic — in the manner of Instapundit. The main purpose of this is to clear the backlog in our email account a little, and to clear our conscience. We hate the feeling of falling behind (even though we always are playing catch-up).
So here goes. If you don’t like reading about things that happened a while ago, just skip these posts. It’s the weekend, and the weather is glorious (at least on the East Coast). Go out and enjoy it!
(But if you’re stuck in the office for some reason, then we’ll be here to keep you company, at least for a few hours. Check back soon for more procrastination fodder.)
