Non-Sequiturs: 01.12.09

* Confused about how to handle new problems in 2009? Don’t forget to send your questions in to Pls Hndle Thx via [email protected].

* Does running a legal blog help generate business? Probably not … [Drug and Device Law]

* A juror was dismissed for smelling really bad. What is really crazy is that the defendant appealed his conviction on the basis of the dismissed juror. I don’t even have a joke here. [Legal Blog Watch]

* … Overweight jurors, on the other hand, pose different sorts of problems and benefits. [What About Clients?]

* Paul Caron has an interesting way to win the war on laptops. It involves making class (gasp) more interesting. [TaxProf Blog]

* Remember you can see David Lat live on the West Coast Tuesday and Wednesday night. I bet he’s warm … [Above the Law]

* Biglaw has certainly figured out the self immolation part of the Phoenix story. The re-birth part? Blawg Review weighs in. [Build a Solo Practice via Blawg Review]


* If you’ve already voted for ATL over at the 2008 Weblog Awards, thanks! If you’d like to vote again, nobody is stopping you. [2008 Weblog Awards]
