Career Alternatives for Attorneys: Swinger Sex Promoter

Were you drawn to Biglaw because of a slight sadomasochistic bent? Then you may be interested in the [NSFW] School of Sex [NSFW]. As you might imagine based on the name, it offers lessons on sex, as well as erotic events.
Why are you reading about this on ATL? Because it’s a Friday. And, more importantly, because it was brought to our attention by “Sex Kitten” (she insisted on being identified by a pseudonym) — a Biglaw associate who moonlights as a manager there, arranging events for swingers.
No, her events aren’t aimed at Justice Kennedy. They’re for sexually experimental types.
Sex Kitten told Time Out that swinging is an excellent way to relax after a tough day at the law firm:

Swinging is stress relief. It’s a way to express yourself in a way that you might not be able to if you’re a conservative person. I spend the day in business attire, then when the weekend comes, if we’ve planned a party, I go home and change into…very little clothing.

She tells ATL:

I went to law school in New York City and currently work at a Vault 100 law firm as an associate. I was able hit my target billable hours every month until a recent slowdown at my firm. For this reason, I’ve been developing School of Sex to the point that it’s a viable backup career.

Is sex promotion a good career alternative? And how does a Biglaw girl balance client needs with orgies while building her business? We’ve got an interview with her, after the jump.

ATL: How did you get interested in swinging?
My journey into the world of swinging was the result of my intense sexual curiosity and desire to find a safe way to relieve stress. While in college, I had a lot of fun visiting local strip clubs with friends but found the clubs to be a tremendous tease. At first, I was most interested in exhibitionism. I had no idea what a swinger was until I visited Montreal. I heard rumors about sex clubs in Montreal, and convinced my boyfriend to visit one while we were touring the city. I was totally blown away by the sexual freedom, and I was hooked!
ATL: What made you decide to make this into a business?
It certainly took me awhile to open up to the idea of interacting with others on a sexual level. When I did, it was very difficult to find any potential playmates. Most of the guests I encountered at the swinger parties and clubs I visited around the world were roughly twice my age, and I honestly wasn’t attracted to them. When I did see good-looking, younger people, they would typically leave a party before I could even approach them. I quickly realized that there was a need for a party catering exclusively to an attractive, young crowd, as well as resources to guide them. I formed the School of Sex after developing a seminar called Swing School, which I incorporate into the first hour of all my parties. Our parties started out small, around a dozen couples and a few single ladies, but through positive word of mouth we quickly grew. Our website is now the top-ranked lifestyle resource in the New York metro area and we have over 30,000 subscribers to our mailing list for updates on our events.
ATL: How many hours per week go to the School of Sex?
I dedicate about an hour or two a day on the School of Sex, and at least a few hours every weekend… I’m probably being conservative in my estimates because I genuinely love all the work I do for School of Sex — so it’s not really like work.
ATL: Has your law degree come in handy?
My law degree and legal experience have been invaluable for purposes of expanding the School of Sex. Many “on-premise” lifestyle parties in New York are underground — they operate without event insurance and often sell alcohol or even employ prostitutes. Unlike these parties, School of Sex operates entirely by the book; everything we do is legal.
As I discuss in my article on The Legality of Sex Clubs in NYC, New York State Sanitary Code Section 24-2.2 states: “No establishment shall make facilities available for the purpose of sexual activities where anal intercourse, vaginal intercourse or fellatio take place.” Luckily, that leaves cunnilingus in the clear! Unfortunately, the section was recently used to declare Brooklyn’s Casbar swing club as constituting “a danger and detriment to public health,” resulting in its closure last April. The Code is also the reason for the rise in popularity of “roaming parties” in New York like my own Behind Closed Doors events. Fortunately, I have been able to utilize my connections as an attorney to form a coalition to attack the Code section on constitutional grounds.
ATL: What’s the biggest misconception about swingers?
The biggest misconception about swingers is that we are old, out of shape, ugly, and pushy. That’s simply not true. [Ed. note: A New York Press writer attests to this.]
Another misconception is that swinger parties are always wild orgies. Sometimes, oddly enough, there is absolutely no sex at a swingers party (not often, but it does happen). The reason is simple: swinging isn’t about indiscriminate sex… just as when you were single and only had sex with people if there was a strong connection, it’s the same with swinging. And finding a connection is not all that easy. The simple fact “newbies” quickly learn is that they “come for the sex but stay for the friendships.”
ATL: What’s the biggest misconception about lawyers?
Everyone knows that lawyers are some of the most stressed out people in New York. But what many people don’t know is — attorneys utilize sex, from swinging to NSA hookups online, in order to relieve that stress. My experience is that lawyers are some of the kinkiest people in New York City! Although it is not my scene, I’ve visited local BDSM clubs that are filled to the brim with attorneys. Sometimes it’s more about the power-play than the actual sex, which explains the fact that many powerful attorneys like to be submissive in the bedroom.
ATL: You told us that you’ve noticed that many of the visitors to [NSFW] your blog [NSFW] after 11 p.m. have IP addresses at Vault 50 firms. Can you elaborate on the interest of lawyers in the School of Sex?
By and large, the most popular profession of my guests is the legal profession. Lawyers make up roughly one-third of guests at any given event. Most do not talk about work, but do admit that they are attorneys. You would be surprised how many attorneys register for parties using their work email addresses! School of Sex has a strict privacy policy, but I would never utilize my work email to register for an erotic event. I also get a lot of traffic from the top law firms during all hours of the night — it’s pretty obvious that many associates read the blog while burning the midnight oil (and probably de-stressing at their desk).


We wish the Kitten the best of luck in her career change. The salary likely can’t compare to Biglaw, but perhaps the “bonuses” are bigger.
I’m a professional…and a swing-party hostess [Time Out]
Back to School [New York Press]
