Gabe Acevedo to be Above the Law "Guide" at LegalTech New York

Hello to everyone out there in the legal blogosphere! My name is Gabe Acevedo, and I was thrilled and honored last month to be asked to blog at LegalTech New York for Above The Law.
To give a little background on myself, I am an attorney based out of Washington, DC, and have been a part of the e-discovery industry since I was first licensed in 2003. However, what I am most known for is a little blog I call “Gabe’s Guide to the e-Discovery Universe.” My blog is informative, but I also try to keep light and humorous whenever possible. I think the legal technology industry–or maybe just the legal industry in general–can always use a little hilarity every now and then.
An opening salvo from LegalTech after the jump.

Obviously, one person cannot cover all of LegalTech. It is the largest legal technology conference in the world. That being said, I will try to cover some odds and ends that might not be covered by others, and I will keep my ear to the ground and see what tidbits I can pick up.
Now a lot of my coverage of this event will be blogging on the go or “live blogging,” so please bear with me if sometimes my posts seem a little haphazard. Also, feel free to visit my Twitter page, where I may have snippets of the conference that may not necessarily be covered on here.
So I am off and running, and I look forward to covering this event over the next few days.
A quick summary of events so far:
Technolawyer kicked off festivities last night with a reception at the Italian restaurant A Voce, located at Columbus Circle. David, Elie and Kash were there, and I was happy to meet Jeremy Blachman of Anonymous Lawyer fame. I am not good at gauging numbers, but the event was well attended. I would say the crowd was anywhere between 50 and 70 folks that showed up.
I picked up my credentials at about 9:30 this morning. My first impressions: the event is much bigger this year. The exhibit hall felt like going through a sea of people. Personally, I found myself hanging with two women dressed up as naughty nurses. Seriously, I was feeling overwhelmed, and crowds don’t usually overwhelm me. Now it is just the morning of the first day, so we will see how that holds up. Right away I went to four back-to-back meetings I had scheduled–which I will get to in a later post because I have another meeting coming up soon; plus the great David Lat is speaking on a panel a little later.
Before I end this post, I want to be sure and thank Elyse DiPierri of Above the Law’s parent company Breaking Media. Elyse equals “friggin Godsend.” She has been wonderful guiding me through this conference, making sure I make my meetings on time.
So that is a super quick summary of events so far, and I am off to my next meeting.
