Non-Sequiturs: 03.23.10

* West Virginia has the worst legal climate in the nation. Unless your practice focuses on spelunking injuries. Then you’re golden. [Institute for Legal Reform]

* How the hell does a former lawyer get 76,000 followers on twitter? Unless he’s figured out how to film lipstick lesbians using only 140 characters, I really don’t get it. [Legal Blog Watch]

* Parties in support of Goodwin Liu’s confirmation are sweeping the nation. [Confirm Goodwin Liu]

* Is there really dog food out there that is “human grade”? There’s only one way to find out. [Gothamist]

* Texas Republican wants to repeal the 17th Amendment. I’ve got an idea, repeal the 17th and 2nd Amendments in Texas, and you’ve got a deal. [Gawker]

* Undergraduate grade inflation charted by athletic conference. Basically, the SEC is too dumb to even artificially inflate their grades properly. [Tax Prof Blog]
