Law Student of the Day: Korean Popstar at Northwestern

We occasionally write about famous law school students here at Above the Law, such as Georgetown rising-3Ls Kaavya Viswanathan (aka the alleged Harvard plagiarist) and Top Model Sara Hallmark, and Southwestern 1L Jerry O’Connell (now on sabbatical).

Sometimes, a law school is graced by the presence of a famous classmate and fellow students are completely unaware of their good luck — if, for example, that law student is huge overseas but little-known on this shore.

When Lee So-eun got into Northwestern Law School, it was national news in South Korea. From the Chosun in June 2009:

Singer Lee So-eun has been accepted at a number of law schools in the United States. Lee’s management on Wednesday said the singer, who debuted as a high schooler in 1998, received offers from Northwestern, Cornell, Georgetown and Notre Dame.

Lee had been preparing for U.S. law school since she graduated with a degree in English Literature from Korea University in 2007. She has chosen Northwestern University Law School in Chicago. “I plan to leave for the U.S. in July, and want to focus on international and human rights law,” she said.

So what did she give up to go to law school?

A classmate discovered that Lee was famous overseas and devoted a post to his fellow 1L on his blog:


[A]lthough she made her living as a performer overseas after graduation, she recently gave it up for the chance to come to Northwestern.

Since graduation, my section mate has been making a living by singing and performing in Asia. Sounds like the good life, right? After all, don’t we all want to grow up to be pop stars! Well, despite loving her former career, she ultimately, chose to come to Northwestern Law to become an international human rights lawyer, though I’ll note that she does also plan to continue performing after school.

If you want to be a legal rock star, it makes sense to go to Northwestern Law, right?

Lee warmed up for law school by doing her best imitation of blind justice in this music video:

UPDATE: Check out ATL’s interview with Lee So-eun (who goes by Nikki Lee here in the U.S.).


Lee So-eun Gets into U.S. Law Schools [Chosun Ilbo]
Korean Popstar In My Section And Diversity At Northwestern []