Musical Chairs: Georgetown Associate Dean Named New Dean of Richmond Law

The past few weeks have brought lots of news on the law school dean front. Last week, Chapman Law selected a former congressman as its next head. Earlier this month, Pepperdine Law picked up a judge as its latest leader.

Today the University of Richmond School of Law — a top 100 law school, per U.S. News (#86, to be precise) — announced its new dean. Like most law school deans, she comes not from Congress or the bench, but from the ranks of legal academia — Georgetown Law, more specifically….

Richmond Law has selected Wendy Collins Perdue, an associate dean and professor of law at Georgetown, as its new dean. She’ll assume her new post effective July 1, 2011. You can read her Georgetown Law bio over here, and the Richmond Law press release announcing her hiring over here.

We learned of the news from Georgetown Law students, who forwarded us a school-wide email about Dean Pardue’s departure that went out this afternoon from GULC Dean William Treanor. (We’ve reprinted the full email below.)

Congratulations to Dean Wendy Perdue and to Richmond Law. Law school deans can earn a pretty penny, and based on all of her accomplishments (including a clerkship with then-Judge Anthony M. Kennedy), it sounds like Wendy Perdue is worth every cent.



From: William M. Treanor
Sent: Mon 2/28/2011
To: All Students
Subject: Announcement-Wendy Perdue

Dear Georgetown Law Community,

It is with a sense of both pride and regret that I announce Associate Dean Wendy Collins Perdue’s departure from Georgetown Law to become the next dean of University of Richmond’s School of Law. Dean Perdue will complete the spring semester at Georgetown and assume her new post at Richmond on July 1. Her contributions to Georgetown have been profound and immeasurable, and Richmond has made a brilliant selection in choosing her as the leader of its law school.

Dean Perdue’s tremendous contributions to the Law Center cannot be overstated. A graduate of Wellesley College and Duke Law School, she has taught countless J.D. students the nuances of civil procedure and conflict of laws since joining the Georgetown Law faculty in 1982; in addition, she has taught introduction to U.S. legal methods to our foreign LL.M. students. Since 1998, Dean Perdue has performed invaluable service in administrative roles, providing leadership in the posts of associate dean for the J.D. program, associate dean for graduate programs, and associate dean for research. She is currently playing the lead role in guiding us through our site visit by the ABA. Remarkably and selflessly, this past fall, in the wake of Dean O’Neil’s tragic death, Dean Perdue temporarily assumed the J.D. deanship, as well as the graduate school deanship, an act of service that was nothing short of heroic.

A prolific scholar who once clerked for Justice Anthony Kennedy on the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, Dean Perdue takes with her to Richmond an impressive body of work that includes casebooks and articles ranging from federal jurisdiction to land use and public health. To say that she will be missed as a colleague, administrator, teacher, and friend is an extreme understatement.


As I noted in a communication in November, Julie O’Sullivan will assume the role of J.D. dean in July 2011; Nan Hunter assumed the role of graduate dean in January. Should you have additional questions during this period of transition, please do not hesitate to contact me or another member of the administration.

Finally, I would like to express my deep sense of personal gratitude to Dean Perdue. In my first year as dean, I have benefited again and again from her remarkable guidance, help, and wisdom. It has been a profound privilege to work with her, and as Dean Perdue completes her time as associate dean at Georgetown, I know you will join me in thanking her for her many years of extraordinary service to the school and in congratulating her on her appointment at Richmond.


William Michael Treanor

Wendy Collins Perdue, Georgetown University Law Center associate dean and professor, named next dean of University of Richmond School of Law [University of Richmond School of Law]