Gunner Storms Out Of Class, Sends Pissy Email To His Law Professor

How boring does class have to be before you are within your rights to stomp out?


Dear Professor,

I received your message that you apparently conveyed to a small group of students at the end of class that it is inappropriate to leave class early. Let me first start by apologizing for leaving class early. I realize it may have been rude, and I am deeply sorry if you took it as such; however, I feel compelled to express my (and my classmates) general dissatisfaction.

Let me first say that if it were another, less active student who left, it’s unlikely you would’ve noticed. Considering this, please give me the benefit of the doubt that I value your class, and everything that follows is meant in the most productive way possible.

Undoubtedly, students have approached you with concerns regarding class. Since class began in January, I have heard complaints ranging from class not being a useful use of time, that the class should not be allocated as many credits as it is, that class consistently starts late and finishes early, etc. This is by no means contained to your class, as students have also expressed concerns in our Civil Procedure class that I also agree with. The fact is that students in sections three and four are generally dissatisfied this semester.

Last semester, no one heard any of these complaints. All of our classes began on time, were interesting and stimulating, and our professors were engaging. I only bring this up for the purpose of showing that these sections are not normally ones to complain.

Today, I left class early because I did not feel that it was the most beneficial use of time. I apologize for how that reflects on the class, but I cannot apologize for my feeling. Today in class, as in the past, we walked through the reading, took a break, presumably walked through the rest of the reading, and ended early. All of the students in class read, or should have read, the reading. We are prepared to discuss these topics in-depth. Instead what occurs is general questions are asked, to which students give general textbook answers. I firmly believe that every question and answer could come with a textbook citation. This is not, to my knowledge, the purpose of law/graduate school. We are here to dive into issues, and engage the material in a way that we can’t do alone. For example, today I asked “why?” concerning agency expertise not being subject to disclosure. While the class may chuckle, it is a serious issue, and deserves attention.


We also do not need the break. The class is two hours on a long day. If you need the break, then by all means please take one. If it is meant for us, however, please just keep pushing forward. Last week we took a ten-minute break, and finished class seven minutes later. Clearly the break was unnecessary. Everyone in class should be somewhat professional. If they desperately need a break, then we have other problems to deal with.

If I was to make an unsolicited suggestion, I would suggest vigorous question and answer. As the professor, I wouldn’t be afraid to ask questions that are tough to answer, even after having done the reading. Class simply is not stimulating. We understand efficiency arguments and judicial economy, but I am forced to believe that they are only the tip of the iceberg. I would push us to go beyond what we know, and to discover new ideas. That is the purpose of education.

When we came to law school, most of us were told that it would be different from undergrad—that we couldn’t just read the book and take the test. At this point, I think our classes illustrate the exact opposite. I simply ask that we move past the reading. If students don’t read, that is their fault. For those of us that do read, it is a grave injustice to use class to paraphrase the reading.

I apologize if this email carries the wrong tone, and I hope that you take it in a constructive manner, as that is how I mean it. These are not only my concerns, but instead are part of the everyday conversation outside of class. Again, I apologize for leaving class early. I thought it would be more productive for me to go to the library and start my Civil Procedure reading for tomorrow. If this were another class and the same things were going on, I would leave to do the reading for your class. I mean absolutely no disrespect. I have great respect for you as our professor, and, if anything, my leaving and this email are out of respect to you and this school. I believe the professors and students at Fordham are some of the best in the world. I think we should act like it.

I look forward to seeing you in class on Thursday, for which I will be in my seat for the entire class and contributing as best I can.


All the best,
