Stats Of The Week: #ILTA14 Edition

A round-up of the top statistical tweets from the ILTA conference.

Ed note: Stat of the Week is a new feature that pulls custom data points from ATL Research as well as noteworthy sources across the web.

Last month at the Gaylord Opryland in Nashville, the International Legal Technology Association (ILTA) held its annual conference. As would be expected, the event generated a tremendous volume of Twitter chatter, much of it focused on statistics. The LexisNexis Business of Law blog has compiled a collection of the most compelling, quirky, or frankly speculative #ILTA14 numbers (e.g., “Prediction: 10 years 40% of the Fortune 500 won’t exist.” – Shirley Crow). Read on for more highlights.

The Business of Law blog linked to the Twitter handle of the person who published these statistical updates. In their words, “it’s important for the casual reader to understand that link does not signify the source. The source for these statistics is primarily from discussions and session throughout the conference.”

  • 80% of what happens in a law firm is not the practice of law. – Jeffrey Brandt
  • Big corporations on average use 47 law firms; just two get 50% of the business while the rest fight over the scraps. – Darryl Cross
  • Firms conducted 88 mergers in 2013 impacting 26,638 lawyers. – LexisNexis BLSS
  • 100% agree that “law firms are the soft underbelly of American cybersecurity.” – Jeffrey Brandt
  • There are two types of law firms: Those that have been hacked and those that have been hacked that don’t know it. – Anne Costello

Check out the Business of Law blog for the full round-up.
