Lawyer Sues Basically All Mainstream Media For RICO Violations For How They Report On Donald Trump

I'm sure this lawsuit will go well.

Trump FlagIf you do a Google search on Roy Den Hollander, as I just did, you may discover that basically every result is a story about some absolutely ridiculous lawsuit he has filed. There was the time he sued a nightclub claiming that requiring him to buy a $350 bottle of vodka was a human rights violation. Or the time he sued a bunch of night clubs for violating the 14th Amendment by having “Ladies’ Nights.” Or the time he sued Columbia University for offering women’s studies courses. Or the time he wanted to file a lawsuit to force women to register for the draft. And these are all stories from just the first page of Google results (or following links from those stories). But, you get the idea.

And now he’s back with a new lawsuit. He’s basically suing the entire mainstream media claiming that how they report on Donald Trump is a RICO violation. No, really.

This is an action against the above named defendant news reporters and commentators (“Reporters”) for violating the civil Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, 18 U.S.C. § 1961 et al., (“RICO”) by repeatedly committing the racketeering activity of wire fraud, 18 U.S.C. § 1343, when they (1) create and cause to be broadcast and disseminated false and misleading news reports concerning the Donald J. Trump candidacy for President of the United States (“Trump Candidacy”); (2) provide commentary based on a false set of facts or fail to reveal the alleged factual basis for the assertion of their judgments; and (3) lobby on various news-talk shows in furtherance of their opposition to the Trump Candidacy.

And to think, I’d been looking for an opportunity to point people to Ken “Popehat” White’s Lawsplainer entitled IT’S NOT RICO, DAMMIT:

Would it be RICO if . . .



. . . .


But how do you know? I haven’t even described the case yet.

It’s never RICO!

I mean, not literally never. But I can say with a very high level of confidence that if you’re asking me, it’s not RICO.

But it’s an important case! And the facts are terrible! This defendant did really bad things.

That’s not what RICO means. RICO is not a fucking frown emoji. It’s not an exclamation point. It’s not a rhetorical tool to convey you are upset about something. It’s not a petulant foot-stomp.

RICO is a really complicated racketeering law that has elaborate requirements that are difficult to meet. It’s overused by idiot plaintiff lawyers, and it’s ludicrously overused by a hundred million jackasses on the internet with an opinion and a mood disorder.

There’s more at that link. You should read it if you ever wonder if a case is a RICO case.

The lawsuit prattles on and on, but it’s not RICO. And, of course, it’s not going anywhere, because of the First Amendment. And, honestly, the court might as well just say “No, go away” and point to the First Amendment, but instead will be forced to waste it’s time in writing up a more comprehensive explanation for why the media reporting, no matter how much you disagree with it, is not breaking the law.


Lawyer Sues Basically All Mainstream Media For RICO Violations For How They Report On Donald Trump

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