3 Depressingly Low Associate Salaries

Let's take a look a look at some of the more dire job options out there.

poor man & broken piggy bankWelcome to the world of Real Attorney Salaries. The site tracks job postings from Indeed and Craigslist that, well, leave a little to be desired.

The world of Biglaw may have rejoiced when the MoneyLaw salaries kicked in, and first-year associates started making $180,000. But the opportunity that Biglaw presents (for the discounted price of your soul!) is a tiny fraction of the jobs that await newly minted esquires. So let’s take a look a look at some of the more dire options out there. (For the purposes of this post, I’ve omitted the part-time or hourly positions, but let’s be clear — a boost to the federal minimum wage would help JDs around the country.)

1. $25,000 in Mount Clemens, Michigan

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Maybe this is why Michigan went red this election.

2. $32,000 in Orange County, California

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This job posting is for an experienced attorney. In a place where the annual cost of living is $40,684.

3. $33,000-37,000 in Charlotte, NC

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At least with salaries this low you won’t get hosed by Trump’s new tax plan. So, that’s something.

Earlier: First-Year Associates Getting Totally Hosed By Trump’s Tax Plan


Kathryn Rubino is an editor at Above the Law. Feel free to email her with any tips, questions, or comments and follow her on Twitter (@Kathryn1).