

  • Non-Sequiturs: 01.31.17

    Non-Sequiturs: 01.31.17

    * Adam Feldman makes the case for Justice Neil Gorsuch. (Visit Above the Law at 8 p.m. for our live coverage of the Supreme Court announcement.) [Empirical SCOTUS]

    * Speaking of SCOTUS, a former shortlister and current feeder judge, Judge J. Harvie Wilkinson, has a new book out: All Falling Faiths: Reflections on the Promise and Failure of the 1960s. [Amazon (affiliate link)]

    * Is the “chaos” of the Trump Administration’s early days really just the startup-like disruption of the established order? [Althouse]

    * Professor Ilya Somin analyzes — and endorses — San Francisco’s lawsuit against President Trump’s “sanctuary cities” order. [Volokh Conspiracy / Washington Post]

    * Professor Eric Chiappinelli offers two recommendations for law schools to survive — and even thrive — in today’s challenging environment. [PrawfsBlawg]

    * Is the hiring of lawyer turned journalist Megyn Kelly the first step in NBC’s transformation into the next Fox News? [Instapundit]

  • Non-Sequiturs: 01.30.17

    Non-Sequiturs: 01.30.17

    * Jared Kushner’s NYU Law classmates have some views they’d like to share. And lucky for us, they wrote an open letter. [Salon] * What can Trump really do about sanctuary cities anyway? [Popehat] * If you’re donating your services to helping those impacted by the President’s reckless immigration law rewrite, Clio is offering free […]

  • Non-Sequiturs: 01.27.17

    Non-Sequiturs: 01.27.17

    * Ed Meese in defense of Trump SCOTUS shortlister William Pryor. [The Daily Signal] * What the Chief Justice's writings tell us about the constitutionality of the global gag rule. [Slate] * What does the cert success rate look like this Term? [Empirical SCOTUS] * The potential legal actions over Trump's copycat cake. [Dorf on Law] * Could you do semi-retirement? [Law and More] * Are the GOP getting spooked over Obamacare repeal? [Washington Post]
  • Non-Sequiturs: 01.26.17

    Non-Sequiturs: 01.26.17

    * True confessions of a Biglaw partner. [Law Practice Today]

    * If you could prevent one person on Trump’s shortlist from getting on the Court, who would it be? [Slate]

    * Will President Trump, or in the alternative, Congress, do anything about the bane of lawyers’ existence: discovery? [The Hill]

    * Tim Kaine had some pretty cool alternate plans on inauguration day. [Huffington Post]

    * The Netherlands’s safe abortion fund. [The Slot]

    * Forever 21’s fighting infringement. [The Fashion Law]

    * If you’ll be in Philly on Monday the 30th, please come to “Fred Korematsu Day: A Conversation,” featuring Kermit Roosevelt, author of Allegiance (affiliate link), and our very own David Lat. [Japan America Society]

  • Non-Sequiturs: 01.25.17

    Non-Sequiturs: 01.25.17

    * The United States has been downgraded to a “flawed democracy.” [New York Daily News]

    * The irony is too much. [Washington Post]

    * Rick Hasen on how a voter fraud investigation should really go. [Slate]

    * The ACLU wants Jeff Sessions back before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary. [ACLU]

    * Trump’s election changed a lot of things. [Medium]

    * Get ready for insurance to be disrupted. [Law and More]

    * Wait, where the heck _is_ Staci?

  • Non-Sequiturs: 01.24.17

    Non-Sequiturs: 01.24.17

    * Elizabeth Warren’s idealism bends to the new political reality. [The Hill]

    * We get a one week reprieve from Jeff Sessions as the next Attorney General.[Politico]

    * Welp, this horrific perversion of religion is particularly stomach turning. [Wonkette]

    * Are the Dems willing to play ball? [Slate]

    * The United Kingdom’s plan to weaponize taxes. [Tax Law Prof]

    * So… what’s the injury in the Emoluments Clause case? [Dorf on Law]

    * Reflections on Scalia’s time on the bench. [YouTube]

  • Non-Sequiturs: 01.23.17

    Non-Sequiturs: 01.23.17

    * Powerful essay from a Cornell Law professor on the need for empathy in the criminal justice system. [Verdict]

    * It’s Apple v. Qualcomm, with $1 billion on the line. [Fortune]

    * An inspiring story of a graduate of a lower-ranked law school who has found success. [Breaking into Biglaw]

    * What’s the future of ethics? [Law and More]

    * An analysis of the decisions of Trump’s shortlisters. [Empirical SCOTUS]

    * On the legal consequences of the lack of supervision at work. [Guile is Good]

    * The Chinese Business Lawyers Association is hosting a free CLE in New York tomorrow night at Fordham Law School. You can RSVP here. [CBLA Law]