Chris Martin

  • Non-Sequiturs: 05.27.16

    Non-Sequiturs: 05.27.16

    Ed. note: Above the Law will not be publishing on Monday, May 25, in observance of the Memorial Day holiday.

    * John Quinn is opening up a museum for the brokenhearted. Yes, this is real. [Big Law Business]

    * Chris Martin is getting some really good legal advice. [Jezebel]

    * It may have seemed like Baylor was super forthcoming when it fired Art Briles and demoted Ken Starr to law school professor for failing to adequately deal with allegations of sexual assault by football players, but really, they’ve mastered the art of saying nothing. [Lawyers, Guns and Money]

    * NBCUniversal to a federal judge: watch Straight Outta Compton. Actually, in context of the case, this request makes sense. [The Hollywood Reporter]

    * David Lat on why Peter Thiel shouldn’t be mad at Gawker for reporting that he is gay. [Washington Post]

    * Walgreens allegedly didn’t verify that the blood-testing technology Theranos was peddling actually worked before it partnered with the startup. [Law and More]

    * You may not like that Peter Thiel is trying to sue Gawker out of existence, but that doesn’t mean the practice should be illegal. [Slate]

  • Animal Law, Carter Phillips, Celebrities, Drugs, Gay, Gay Marriage, Law Schools, Marijuana, Non-Sequiturs, Seth Zimmerman, Severance, Sex

    Non-Sequiturs: 02.18.14

    * A Miami attorney is gearing up for legalized medical marijuana. He’s even selling franchises, hopefully called McKinebud’s. [Daily Business Review] * Is Gwyneth cheating on Chris Martin with an entertainment lawyer? [Defamer] * A Florida village has become a refuge to sex offenders because there’s nowhere else they can go. Isn’t this the plot of Arrested Development? [Agence France-Presse via Yahoo!] * As if law schools aren’t charging enough, they also absolutely ravage students on casebook prices. It doesn’t have to be this way. [PrawfsBlawg] * Who’d have thought it would be this hard to define a pig? [Modern Farmer] * If you aren’t following DLA Piper’s boss Sir Nigel Knowles on Twitter, then… you’re lucky. [Legal Cheek] * The vice president of the Constitutional Accountability Center weighs in on Judge Wright Allen’s marriage equality decision from the perspective of a gay, married Virginian. [Pilot Online] * See, it’s not just lawyers who get annoyed when TV doesn’t live up to the realities of the profession. Political communications professionals can get pretty irked by House of Cards. [Ditto Public Affairs] * A circuit judge just seized control of a lower court’s docket, setting restrictions on a judge’s ability to hear domestic violence cases after finding a repeated pattern of improperly blowing off these matters. It may be the Benchslap-Heard-Round-the-Nation since the slapped jurist is also the president-elect of the American Judges Association. [Detroit Free Press]
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