Judge David Sentelle
A. Raymond Randolph, Clerkships, D.C. Circuit, David Sentelle, Douglas Ginsburg, Federal Judges, Feeder Judges, Harvard, Hedge Funds / Private Equity, Insider Trading, Law Schools, S.D.N.Y., U.S. Attorneys Offices, Wall Street, White-Collar Crime
Harvard Law Students Are The Best -- At Making Up Fake Transcripts
Which D.C. Circuit judges almost hired Mathew Martoma, defendant in the biggest insider trading case ever, back when he was a Harvard law student? - Sponsored
Legal Department Financial Management Tools Decrease Legal Spend
Legal operations face challenges in billing and spend management. Without advanced e-billing software, manual invoice reviews can lead to non-compliance with outside counsel guidelines and… -
Conferences / Symposia, Constitutional Law, D.C. Circuit, David Sentelle, Federal Government, Federal Judges, Feeder Judges, Laurence Silberman, Merrick Garland, Money
New D.C. Circuit Chief Judge Dreading the Sequester
The D.C. Circuit's new chief judge and two of his colleagues spoke at a conference over the weekend. What did Their Honors have to say?
Barack Obama, Constitutional Law, D.C. Circuit, David Sentelle, Federal Government, Labor / Employment, Politics
D.C. Circuit Strikes Down Some Of Obama's Recess Appointments
Obama gets smacked by the D.C. Circuit... -
Clerkships, Federal Government, Federal Judges, Feeder Judges, Job Searches, Law Schools
A Top Law School 'Fesses Up: Yeah, We're Violating the Law Clerk Hiring Plan -- What You Gonna Do About It?
A leading law school announces that it's not following the Law Clerk Hiring Plan -- and explains why.
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