
  • Non-Sequiturs: 03.13.17

    Non-Sequiturs: 03.13.17

    * The problem with Oklahoma's district attorneys. [Slate] * You can survive a career transition. [Law and More] * Now here's a fine that could bring in some real money. [The Slot] * Inside Snapchat's IPO. [The Fashion Law] * Okay, so maybe the truth won't set you free. [Salon] * Try not to be complacent about the abortion of a law that is TrumpCare. [Lawyers, Guns and Money] * Proof? Why would you want that? [Huffington Post]
  • Non-Sequiturs: 03.10.17

    Non-Sequiturs: 03.10.17

    * Let the heads roll: 46 US Attorneys reportedly asked for their resignation by Jeff Sessions. [The Hill] * Woman lawyer gives important speech, people care only about her body. [Washington Post] * This is why education about your legal rights is essential. [New York Post] * Eight interesting and largely horrifying facts about the Texas prison system. [Versus Texas] * Travis LeBlanc, formerly of the FCC, is heading to Boies Schiller. [Law and More] * This Fourth Circuit case is being described as "one of the most gruesome and inhumane decisions in recent memory." [Slate] * Being a public figure has to change your Twitter habits. [Huffington Post] * What's the future for organized labor? [Lawyers, Guns and Money] * How does appropriate dress vary from city to city? [Corporette]
  • Non-Sequiturs: 03.09.17

    Non-Sequiturs: 03.09.17

    * Amazon Echo: The first “smart” witness? [Ohio Bar Association]

    * Appeals court finds showing a jury clips of Ben Affleck’s “The Town” didn’t unfairly prejudice the trial of bank robbers that allegedly drew inspiration from the movie. But isn’t that cruel and unusual punishment for that poor jury? [The Hollywood Reporter]

    * I mean, you know Obama won’t do this, but it is fun to think about a libel case against Trump for his insane Tweeting. [Slate]

    * 144,000 pages of documents on Neil Gorsuch were dumped on the Senate Judiciary Committee. [Politico]

    * Speaking of SCOTUS, tune in to Twitter next Tuesday to hear a panel of experts — including our own David Lat — discuss the future of the Supreme Court. [Bloomberg BNA]

    * More counterfeiter lawsuits. [The Fashion Law]

    * Branding in SmallLaw — more important than you think. [Law and More]

    * Try, try again. [Huffington Post]

  • Non-Sequiturs

    Non-Sequiturs: 03.08.17

    * “You care day and night for your children, grandchildren and your family,” the Russian president said in his annual statement. “Even today, on International Women’s Day, you are still caught up in your routine, working tirelessly, always on time. We often ask ourselves, how do they manage it all?” — Vladimir Putin honoring International Women’s Day, or perhaps a very punctual dairy cow. It’s hard to tell. [Quartz]

    * Real estate lawyer Joshua Stein, who thinks Trump shouldn’t be forced to sell his businesses to hold office, instead thinks Trump should run his businesses like a prisoner while in office. [Wall Street Journal]

    * In what I’m sure is totally unrelated news to the prior link, China has provisionally approved 38 Trump trademarks. [The Guardian]

    * Researchers find strong evidence that racism helps Republicans win elections. When reached for comment, Trump supporters said that the researchers were the real racists because they studied racism instead of what makes America great like it was when there was more racism. [Washington Post]

    * Here’s another article about how judges in Kansas are trying to force lawmakers to educate students equally. [The Atlantic]

    * The Constitutional Accountability Center has a new job opening. Maybe there are some people out there who showed up to work wearing red today who might be interested? [Constitutional Accountability Center]

  • Non-Sequiturs: 03.07.17

    Non-Sequiturs: 03.07.17

    * Antonin Scalia’s papers donated to… Harvard, obviously. What did you expect? Did you seriously think it was going to be ASSLaw or Ave Maria or something? [Harvard Gazette]

    * What state is looking to legalize dachshund racing? Because daddy needs a new pair of shoes! [Lowering the Bar]

    * The surprise dismissal of the Gavin Grimm case complicated the struggle for transgender rights, but it was far from a death knell. [Rewire]

    * Professor Tribe thinks accusing Obama of illegal wiretapping is grounds for Trump’s impeachment. Somewhere, Mike Pence is putting together a nice little scrapbook of all these articles. [Raw Story]

    * On that note, John Dean is back in the news to explain Watergate to Trump. [The Hill]

    * With TaxProfBlog’s Paul Caron taking over as dean of Pepperdine, here are some changes we expect to see. [PrawfsBlawg]

    * Sex and the Constitution (affiliate link) is not just a book, it’s also peak 3L course name. [Concurring Opinions]

    * Discussing cybersecurity and our new Russian overlords. [Lawfare]

    * Law student raps about bar prep to the tune of Gangsta’s Paradise. Most of the Anglo-centric jokes go over our heads, but it’s some good stuff. [Legal Cheek]

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  • Non-Sequiturs: 03.06.17

    Non-Sequiturs: 03.06.17

    * Congratulations to Professor Caron, named Dean of Pepperdine Law School. [TaxProf Blog]

    * The ethics problems with Trump’s hotel build up. [AP]

    * Looks like independents will vote for Neil Gorsuch. [Politico]

    * Well, this is disturbing: Gold Star dad and American citizen, Khizr Khan, reportedly told his travel privileges are “under review.” [The Week]

    * Yes, the travel ban 2.0 *can* hurt us. [Huffington Post]

    * A modest proposal. [Slate]

    * Jeff Sessions: the Attorney General is defining this era. [The Root]

  • Non-Sequiturs

    Non-Sequiturs: 3.3.17

    * D.C. Circuit cites My Cousin Vinny while ruling protesters can be charged under a law banning “Harangues or Orations.” Uhh… everything the D.C. Circuit just said is bullsh*t… Thank you. [Election Law Blog] * I hereby demand a second investigation, after Schumer, of Pelosi for her close ties to Russia, and lying about it. […]

  • Non-Sequiturs: 03.02.17

    Non-Sequiturs: 03.02.17

    * Yay, Jeff Sessions has done the bare minimum necessary. [CNN]

    * What does Jeff Sessions think the standard is for lying under oath? [Slate]

    * Ho, ho, ho. This piece from 2007 by Neal Katyal about independent counsel regulations is particularly salient. [New York Times]

    * No matter what this Iowa Republican tells you, Sizzler (yes, the restaurant) does not run a real university. [Salon]

    * Florida’s still cool with open carry law. Shocker. Correction: Florida Supreme Court upheld the BAN on open carry. I truly need more sleep, apologies. [Volokh Conspiracy]

    * Shhhhhh. It’s gonna be a secret law. [Huffington Post]

    * Now the real question: who’s next? [Law and More]

    * The judge from the Casey Anthony case has some theories… [Jezebel]

  • Non-Sequiturs: 02.28.17

    Non-Sequiturs: 02.28.17

    * So, is the Ninth Circuit really the court that gets most frequently overturned by the Supreme Court? [Empirical SCOTUS]

    * Buckle in marijuana enthusiasts, it’s going to be a long four years. [Huffington Post]

    * Is there ideological discrimination in law school hiring? A debate. [TaxProf Blog]

    * Death penalty sentences are down. Does the Dallas District Attorney want to change that? [Slate]

    * You can stop talking like a lawyer. [Law and More]

    * RIP to partner Andrew Thompson. [Cravath]

  • Non-Sequiturs: 02.27.17

    Non-Sequiturs: 02.27.17

    * Kenneth Feinberg gets tapped to run another victim compensation fund. [Wall Street Journal]

    * Andy Puzder claims a “fake news tsunami” is what forced him to withdraw as Labor Secretary nominee. Sure, Andy, whatever you need to tell yourself to go to sleep at night. [Huffington Post]

    * When George W. Bush starts sounding utterly reasonable you know we are truly in the darkest timeline. [The Slot]

    * The ethics lawsuit against Kellyanne Conway might feel good, but it could set a bad precedent. [Slate]

    * A 2,000+ page long legislation is complication. You don’t f*cking say. [Salon]

    * Are Republicans ignoring House v. Burwell? [The Incidental Economist]

    * Who’s been digging into Susan Fowler’s personal life? [Law and More]
