
  • Food, Football, Non-Sequiturs, Prostitution, Sex, Sex Scandals, Television

    Non-Sequiturs: 10.13.14

    * Florida State QB Jameis Winston is still in a heap of legal trouble and it turns out his best legal move might just be to drop out. It’d save him the trouble of getting demolished by Mississippi State. [Sports Illustrated] * A follow-up on the Yale Law/Colombia Prostitution/Secret Service/Obama scandal. An amateur poet was hot on this story from the start and sent cryptic verse about it to a Yale student paper way back in the day. [Ivy Gate Blog] * Ron Swanson explains lawyers. Best line, “The man who kills me will know.” [Legal Cheek] * Remember when the Texas Supreme Court cited Walter from Big Lebowski? Now we have the proper citation form for the occasion. [The Legal Satyricon] * Perdue has settled two lawsuits against it over the use of the phrase “humanely raised.” Apparently its chickens were “not that.” [Salon] * One lawyer explains why it’s high time we eliminate this holiday. [Katz Justice]
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