Richard Re

  • Non-Sequiturs: 06.22.17

    Non-Sequiturs: 06.22.17

    * Senate Republicans take another step forward on repealing the Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare. [MedCity News]

    * Shocker: President Donald Trump has no “tapes” of his conversations with James Comey. [Talking Points Memo]

    * Our own Elie Mystal breaks down this morning’s Supreme Court decisions, in conversation with Brian Lehrer of WNYC. [WNYC]

    * And if you want to read the SCOTUS rulings for yourself, Howard Bashman has links to all of them. [How Appealing]

    * Professor Ilya Somin explains how zoning and other land use controls exacerbate the affordable housing crisis. [Volokh Conspiracy / Washington Post]

    * Professor Richard Re argues that Bivens isn’t dead — at least not yet. [PrawfsBlawg]

    * A great profile of a great rainmaker: Bill Carmody of Susman Godfrey. [Lawdragon]

    * A Thomson Reuters tool that takes torture out of timekeeping. [LawSites]

  • Non-Sequiturs, Sonia Sotomayor, Student Loans, Supreme Court, Television

    Non-Sequiturs: 05.14.14

    * When people tell you that you can do anything with a law degree, they’re wrong. Sounds like… everything Elie writes. [Slate] * Student debt is dragging down the economy. Is today “every news outlet catches up with Elie Day”? [New York Times] * Everyone’s talking about the law student turned prostitute. What about the law professor who was a gigolo? [The Nota Bene] * Baker Hostetler lawyer leaving the law to start a gym. With any luck he’ll have a championship dodgeball team in no time. [Crain's Cleveland Business] * Just a reminder, there isn’t a “telling a university everything you’ve done for an oral history” privilege. [BBC] * An argument for Republicans to get serious about loosening the reins on technological innovation like the Republican Party of old. But that might require saying no to some billionaire donor, so that’s off the table. [The American Conservative] * Professor Will Baude pointed us to a fun new law professor blog from Professor Richard Re, soon to be of UCLA Law, with an even more fun title. Here he compares Justice Sotomayor’s dissent in Schuette to Quidditch. [Re's Judicata] * A new show about law school. It’s supposedly about criminal law, but the trailer looks more like a professional responsibility fact pattern. [YouTube]
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