Join Us To Hear Experts Discuss A Big Potential Change In Securities Law

Is the proposed SEC clawback rule a mistake?

The Securities and Exchange Commission is looking to penalize public company executives who collect big compensation packages based on results that are later restated, even if the restatement isn’t the result of any affirmative wrongdoing.

But is the SEC getting overzealous? It may not seem fair to pay an executive based on numbers they didn’t really meet, but would a new clawback rule only drive up compensation packages further to offset any potential clawback?

On November 11 at 6:30 p.m., Above the Law and Wolters Kluwer will host a discussion probing this very issue with distinguished guests including a former SEC general counsel Ralph C. Ferrara of Proskauer and BakerHostetler’s leader of securities litigation Marc D. Powers.

RSVP here.
