FBI Director Chris Wray Is BURNING John Kelly And The White House Right Now

Wray has absolutely destroyed the White House timeline on the Rob Porter allegations.

FBI Director Christopher Wray

The story, from White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, is that the White House didn’t know about all of the allegations against alleged wife beater Rob Porter until pictures emerged for Porter’s bludgeoned victims.

FBI Director Christopher Wray is testifying in front of Congress today, and he apparently wants you to know that John Kelly is full of it. From Reuters:

“I‘m quite confident that in this particular instance, the FBI followed established protocols,” Wray told the Senate intelligence panel, amid scrutiny of the White House over when it had learned about the allegations against Porter.

Wray said a partial report on Porter was issued in March and a completed report in July. The FBI received a request for a follow-up inquiry and provided that in November and passed along additional information earlier this month.

The White House claims that the FBI investigation into Porter was still ongoing when Porter was let go last week. Wray says they closed their investigation in January.

Wray’s testimony directly contradicts the timeline put forward by the White House. In a normal administration, this would cost Kelly his job. In this administration…?

Meanwhile… Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats told the Associated Press that our system for vetting security clearances is “broken.”


“We have a broken system and I think everybody’s come to agree with that now,” Coats told the AP.

Good thing we have a party that cares about “law and order” in charge. Can you imagine the s***show if they weren’t?

White House Was Warned of Aide’s Background Months Earlier Than Acknowledged [New York Times]

Elie Mystal is the Executive Editor of Above the Law and the Legal Editor for More Perfect. He can be reached @ElieNYC on Twitter, or at [email protected]. He will resist.
