You'll Never Guess What This Law School's Fundraiser Is For

Some alums are pissed.

There are lots of things that required to keep a law school running at its peak. A high quality faculty, state of the art buildings, an impressive library, students to foot the bills, and of course chairs.

Yup. Chairs. A place for students to plop their bottoms as they listen to a professor drone on about the exceptions to the rule against hearsay. It is that, usually overlooked, detail that is the focus of a new Seattle University Law School fundraising campaign.

Apparently the chairs at Seattle Law squeak, and administrators are hoping alum will chip in to get the school new chairs. They’ve even got a hashtag #stopthesqueak and a YouTube video for the campaign:

It might be a cute, tongue-in-cheek way to deal with what is obviously an annoyance on campus, but not everyone is happy about the campaign. One tipster send Above the Law an email putting the law school on blast:

SU Law alumni received an e-mail today asking for donations. Not for a scholarship fund. Not for a new addition to the library. But for chairs.

Yes, the law school is literally asking for sixty chairs. The subject line for the e-mail is “Help us #stopthesqueak”. Mind you, at a school where tuition exceeds $40,000 per year per head, the law school seems incapable of cobbling together $10,000 for new chairs for 60 new chairs. This e-mail was sent to all grads, including those still saddled with six-figure debts. The accompanying video puts the sad cherry on top of this embarrassing ask.

I am waiting for next year’s donation request to help kick in for the WiFi and heating bill.

The tipster does have a point. Saying you gave your alma mater a chair doesn’t have quite the same cachet as contributing to a scholarship fund. Butt (see what I did there) giving to a scholarship fund won’t provide you with nearly as many ass-puns.


headshotKathryn Rubino is an editor at Above the Law. AtL tipsters are the best, so please connect with her. Feel free to email her with any tips, questions, or comments and follow her on Twitter (@Kathryn1).
