ATL March Madness: The Final 16 Competitors

The final first-round matchups are underway.

Now for the final regional bracket in our annual ATL March Madness tournament. We’ve already got you voting on legal movies, books, and television. Now we bring you the Miscellaneous Bracket.

This is a wild hodgepodge of movies, books, television, and some music, all thrown together to fill out the final 16 competitors.

You have until Monday, March 19 at 9:00 a.m. Eastern to cast your vote. Stay tuned for the next round of the competition.

(1) To Kill A Mockingbird vs. (16) Paths of Glory — Book or film, To Kill A Mockingbird is considered a legal classic. Until Atticus Finch went all racist on us in Go Set A Watchman. White people, amiright? Paths of Glory is a 16-seed because it’s criminally underappreciated. It’s a brilliant, early Stanley Kubrick film about WWI soldiers on trial for their lives and the civilian lawyer turned commander who defends them. It will lose, but people should watch it.

Greater Work Of Legal Fiction

  • (1) To Kill A Mockingbird (90%, 184 Votes)
  • (16) Paths of Glory (10%, 20 Votes)

Total Voters: 204

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(2) Suits vs. (15) Witness for the Prosecution — The only thing I know about Suits is that some woman from the show is marrying into the British Royal Family. Speaking of British, Witness is an Agatha Christie tale about the importance of perjury.

Greater Work Of Legal Fiction

  • (2) Suits (55%, 104 Votes)
  • (15) Witness for the Prosecution (45%, 86 Votes)

Total Voters: 190

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(3) My Cousin Vinny vs. (14) The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia — The song includes the line, “Don’t trust your soul to no backwoods Southern lawyer, ’cause the judge in the town’s got blood stains on his hands,” which is pretty much exactly why Billy and Stan hired Vinny Gambini when they ended up in trouble in Alabama.

Greater Work Of Legal Fiction

  • (3) My Cousin Vinny (93%, 183 Votes)
  • (14) The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia (7%, 14 Votes)

Total Voters: 197


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(4) Bleak House vs. (13) I Fought The Law — I fought the law and the law won. That’s… actually a good description of both of these.

Greater Work Of Legal Fiction

  • (13) I Fought The Law (58%, 94 Votes)
  • (4) Bleak House (42%, 69 Votes)

Total Voters: 163

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(5) Erin Brockovich vs. (11) Miracle on 34th Street — Legal system rules that Santa Claus does exist, no matter what powerful interests try to say! Law also says hexavalent chromium causes cancer no matter what powerful interests try to say.

Greater Work Of Legal Fiction

  • (5) Erin Brockovich (65%, 120 Votes)
  • (12) Miracle on 34th Street (35%, 66 Votes)

Total Voters: 186

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(6) Chicago vs. (11) 99 Problems — 99 Problems has found its way into law review articles and judicial opinions, so it’s almost assuredly underseeded here. Watch out for an upset unless Chicago pulls out the old razzle dazzle and oh my God I’m embarrassed that I wrote that.

Greater Work Of Legal Fiction

  • (6) Chicago (52%, 87 Votes)
  • (11) 99 Problems (48%, 80 Votes)

Total Voters: 167

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(7) Law & Order: SVU vs. (10) Sweet Hereafter — Law & Order: Let’s Throw A Lazy Shell On Some NY Post Story About Rape is already in its 19th season, meaning it could well outlast its parent show. Regarding Sweet Hereafter, a tipster concerned that it didn’t make it into the movie region noted that it “is nothing short of extraordinary — Atom Egoyan, Bruce Greenberg and Sarah Polley teaming up again after their excellent work in ‘Exotica.’ The incomparable Ian Holm (as the lawyer) in probably his most nuanced role.”

Greater Work Of Legal Fiction

  • (7) Law & Order: SVU (78%, 128 Votes)
  • (10) Sweet Hereafter (22%, 37 Votes)

Total Voters: 165

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(8) Presumed Innocent vs. (9) Folsom Prison Blues — The first novel in the Turowiverse, which probably isn’t a term but we’re rolling with it, takes on the song Johnny Cash wrote for the Las Vegas tourism bureau which was originally titled, “This Is Why You Don’t Go To Reno.”

Greater Work Of Legal Fiction

  • (9) Folsom Prison Blues (54%, 90 Votes)
  • (8) Presumed Innocent (46%, 78 Votes)

Total Voters: 168

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EarlierATL March Madness: The Greatest Work Of Legal Fiction Ever
ATL March Madness: Let’s Talk About Books
ATL March Madness: The Best Lawyer Television