Become A Known Expert: Your Plan Awaits! 

Download our free guide to Mike Whelan's "90-Day Known Expert" series.

Your potential clients are online right now, typing their problems into search engines and browsing the top results.

If they find and choose you, your practice will grow and thrive. If they don’t — well, business troubles may loom. 

Do we have your attention? 

Good, because we’ve developed a plan for how lawyers can become “known experts” in just 90 days — in partnership with Mike Whelan, host of the “Lawyer Forward” podcast and creator of the “90-Day Known Expert” program. 

To guide you through this series, we’ve created this initial 30-day calendar. It is filled with simple, concrete steps that you can take to become a publicly known expert, along with a variety of helpful resources.

You’ll find daily podcast suggestions, prompts for short journaling exercises, book recommendations, and weekly deadlines to ensure your progress.

To begin your journey, fill out this form and download our first calendar.