Attorney Fired After Pro-Putin TV Appearance

This wasn't the only controversy she was involved in.

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Last week, Milwaukee assistant city attorney Jennifer DeMaster appeared on the Russian-controlled show, Russia Today. On the show, she boldly proclaimed that Vladimir Putin’s recognition of the breakaway Ukraine regions of Donetsk and Luhansk and deploying troops there was justified.

Now, she’s out of a job.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported on DeMaster’s appearance, where she said:

“When people like Secretary of State (Antony) Blinken of the U.S. or (British Prime Minister) Boris Johnson or others or (President) Joe Biden come out and say this is a clear violation of international law, that’s simply not true. It is not a clear violation of international law because they cannot name an international law that this violates.”

She went on to pontificate:

“There’s no threat to U.S. national security,” said DeMaster, who was listed as a “legal analyst” in the broadcast. “We have lots of issues going on right here at home that are, in effect, a danger to national security.”


On Monday, DeMaster was fired, with City Attorney Tearman Spencer’s termination notice saying the reason for termination was, “Job performance. Poor fit.” DeMaster was on a probationary period at the position after being hired by Spencer last year following an “exodus” of attorneys from the office.

This is not the only controversy DeMaster has been involved with, as reported by ABA Journal:

DeMaster drew criticism for her TV appearance and for her past work as a legal analyst for the Clarion Project, deemed “a major proponent of Islamophobia” by the Council on American-Islamic Relations. She also wrote a book arguing that Islam is not a peaceful religion and worked on Sharia law issues as a law clerk for the American Center for Law and Justice.

Of DeMaster’s termination, the Council on American-Islamic Relations Deputy Director Edward Ahmed Mitchell said it was “welcome, but long overdue. Given Ms. DeMaster’s past support for efforts to enshrine anti-Muslim bigotry into law, the city should have investigated whether she could fairly uphold the law for all Milwaukee residents. The city’s failure to do so sent a message that the constitutional rights of American Muslims were not important to city officials.”


Kathryn Rubino is a Senior Editor at Above the Law, host of The Jabot podcast, and co-host of Thinking Like A Lawyer. AtL tipsters are the best, so please connect with her. Feel free to email her with any tips, questions, or comments and follow her on Twitter (@Kathryn1).