Law Firm Uses Jazz Poetry To Sell Themselves

Now here's a different approach.

Vector paper cut craft style music composition for jazz concert festival party poster banner card

Law firm advertisements are rarely described as avant garde. Wacky? Maybe. Over the top? Definitely. Funny? Sometimes. Sexist? Unfortunately. Cult classics? Yup. Celebrity filled? Sure. High production value? If we’re lucky. But British law firm Square One Law has taken that approach and turned to spoken word jazz poetry to make their pitch to potential clients.

Antonio Bachini, the creative director at the agency behind the ad, said of the unconventional approach, “We wanted to show the world just how fearless Square One Law are, so we looked for a fearless way to tell their story. Jazz and spoken word poetry ticked all the boxes.”

And senior leadership at the firm are into it. Gill Hunter, managing partner at Square One Law, said:

“What struck me was the quality of the production of the film and how well it described why we are different. We could see how story telling through the arts would produce a very powerful message.

“The arts are so important to our society, both culturally and economically, which became very obvious during the pandemic when live entertainment was put on hold and the industry was severely damaged, so we really liked the idea of supporting artists through the development of our brand.

“Creativity is vital in all businesses and this campaign has brought synergy with the arts to highlight our entrepreneurial approach in supporting our clients.”

And Ian Gilthorpe a senior partner, agreed drawing comparisons between jazz and the firm:

“I was totally engaged when Antonio explained great musicians are talented but not all can play jazz, and in a similar way, there are many talented lawyers, but they don’t all think creatively or deliver the same bespoke service as Square One Law. I could see the connection that jazz players use their talent to improvise and what makes us distinctive is our ability to create opportunities for our clients as well as offering highly commercial advice.”


You can check out the full ad below.

Kathryn Rubino is a Senior Editor at Above the Law, host of The Jabot podcast, and co-host of Thinking Like A Lawyer. AtL tipsters are the best, so please connect with her. Feel free to email her with any tips, questions, or comments and follow her on Twitter (@Kathryn1).
