Conversations, Not Presentations – PLI Studio Briefings

You may be familiar with traditional CLE program formats that feature a lecture-style presentation supported by a slide deck. PLI’s Studio Briefings are different.

Studio Briefings are informative, engaging discussions featuring experienced lawyers and industry experts sharing practical insights.  Viewers get a virtual seat at the table as esteemed faculty share legal topic-focused opinions, ideas, experiences, and recommendations.  It’s not unlike watching a panel discussion on a Sunday morning news show – except this “show” has CLE.

Studio Briefings invite you to learn by being witness to the kind of informative conversation on legal topics you otherwise may not hear. These conversations may take the form of a Q&A session, a meeting between law firm counsel and a client, or even a debate.  Whatever the discussion looks like, the substance of the faculty commentary can be entertaining, lively, and candid, but always educational, insightful, and helpful to your practice.

Through its Studio Briefings, PLI is offering a new breed of CLE content that delivers on its mission to educate practicing lawyers, while providing a fresh format to engage viewers.

You can view Studio Briefings at your convenience – they’re always available on-demand and are usually around one hour in length, making it that much easier for viewers to watch.  And they play well on your browser or on PLI’s mobile app, available on the iTunes store.

To see our Studio Briefing program catalog, please visit