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A Tech Adoption Guide for Lawyers

in partnership with Legal Tech Publishing

Minority Issues, Women's Issues

The Excuse For Why Stanford’s FutureLaw Event Completely Lacked Diversity

There is no such thing as diversity and inclusion without action.



I am Roland Vogl, the Executive Director at CodeX and a member of the 3-person organizing committee of FutureLaw. The other organizers (Stanford Professor Michael Genesereth and CodeX Fellow Susan Salkind) and I put a great deal of effort into getting a diverse group of panelists. We strive to not only get racial and gender diversity but also representation from multiple sectors, career functions, or opposing viewpoints at our events. Putting on a conference such as this one involves scheduling conflicts and therefore we are not always able to include everyone we would want to have on a panel in an ideal situation.

We agree that more diversity at legal technology events, including FutureLaw, is important. We welcome suggestions of people in the legal technology field we might reach out to for participation in next year’s conference and we invite you to join our planning meeting for FutureLaw 2018 (starting in the fall of 2017).


Jeena Cho HeadshotJeena Cho is the author of The Anxious Lawyer: An 8-Week Guide to a Joyful and Satisfying Law Practice Through Mindfulness and Meditation (affiliate link). She regularly speaks and offers training on mindfulness and meditation. You can reach her at hello@jeenacho.com or @jeena_cho on Twitter.