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At RelativityFest? Come Say Hi

Zach Abramowitz would love to meet lawyers and legal tech enthusiasts at this conference.

One of the most rewarding things about writing about legal disruption here on ATL has been meeting with lawyers and legal tech enthusiasts who read my posts. First of all, it’s always nice to know that people besides my mother read what I write, but connecting with readers helps me to understand the pain points they’re still dealing with as lawyers and how they’re innovating.

This week, I’m here at Relativity Fest in Chicago where 2,000 law firm lawyers, GCs, and lit support folks have come together for Relativity’s annual user conference. (Disclosure: Relativity has run campaigns through my company ReplyAll, and covered my airfare and lodging in Chicago.) On Wednesday, I am going to be a judge on the innovation panel. If you’re one of those 2,000 strong, come over and say hello. If you’re shy, you can email me first — my email is listed below. Not sure what I look like? Here is a pic of me watching Andrew Sieja, Relativity’s CEO and founder, give this morning key note address.

Zach Abramowitz

Zach Abramowitz is a former Biglaw associate and currently CEO and co-founder of ReplyAll. You can follow Zach on Twitter (@zachabramowitz) or reach him by email at [email protected].