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Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 01.25.18

Grumpy Cat (Photo by Steve Jennings/Getty)

* Grumpy cat should be a little less grumpy after winning $710,000 in a licensing case. [Courthouse News Service]

* Remember that judge who gave a Stanford swimmer 6 months for a rape conviction? Yeah, he’s poised to get kicked off the bench. [NY Daily News]

* Can you get a DUI in an autonomous vehicle? A lot of people aren’t familiar with State of Oregon v. The Autobots. [Versus Texas]

* Ty Cobb is a lot less eager to meet with Mueller under oath than his client. [New York]

* Apparently “AI” is now a verb. That’s… awful. [Legal Week]

* Your summer associate lunch plans have taken a hit — Le Bernardin sued over everything from shortchanging employees to sexual harassment. [Le Bernadin]

* New York will only do business with ISPs that adhere to net neutrality in a move that many states are expected to copy. I’m sure the states rights-loving politicians who worked tirelessly to kill neutrality will hail this as a triumph of federalism. [New York Law Journal]