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The Brands That Are Ready To Eat Biglaw’s Lunch

Which alternative legal service providers are the best?

Yesterday we brought you the latest rankings of Biglaw brands, and today we have Acritas’s U.S. Alternative Legal Brand Index.

This is the first ranking Acritas has undertaken of alternative legal service providers. But this in an important segment of the legal industry — one that is pushing technological and innovative solutions to the legal problems large companies face.

The survey asked which law firm alternatives first come to mind as well as those that are preferred. The numbers are pulled from 276 interviews with in-house respondents who have senior responsibility for buying legal services. They focused on three main areas:

  • The providers of legal services, excluding law firms, that are first to come to mind (Awareness)
  • The providers of legal services, excluding law firms, they feel most favorable towards (Favorability)
  • The service suppliers they are working with that demonstrate modern innovative practices.

Below is the list of Top 5 brands in alternative legal services:

The Acritas US Alternative Legal Brand Index portrays the competitive set of alternative legal brands, indexed from the leader at 100 points.

Thomson Reuters takes top honors in all three categories:

Lizzy Duffy, VP of Acritas US said: “Thomson Reuters’ investment in technology is coming through strongly as the underlying reason why senior in-house counsel are attracted to their offer. Their products and services are enabling legal departments to innovate and drive efficiency in how they organize and conduct their legal work.”

“We are honoured to be named the strongest alternative legal brand in Acritas’ inaugural US Alternative Legal Brand Index”, said Susan Taylor Martin, President, Thomson Reuters Legal. “We are laser-focused on helping law firms and legal departments navigate an increasingly dynamic, global legal landscape. So we are incredibly grateful that our clients recognise our efforts to enable innovative approaches to doing legal work using our technology, content and domain expertise.”

With such a strong brand it’s clear law firms better watch their backs. Increasingly clients are looking for flexible — and cheaper — options for their legal needs. These companies are proving they have the goods to provide that.

headshotKathryn Rubino is an editor at Above the Law. AtL tipsters are the best, so please connect with her. Feel free to email her with any tips, questions, or comments and follow her on Twitter (@Kathryn1).