Welcome to the Evolve Law Summit 2018 Podcast Series Series! This is one of a series of live shows recorded at this year’s Evolve Law Summit in Chicago with Contributing Editor Ian Connett (@QuantumJurist) and Dan Lear of Right Brain Law.
For the latest topics, trends, and tech in the legal industry, subscribe to the Evolve Law Podcast: A Catalyst for Legal Innovation. Listen as legal experts and leaders share insights about the legal industry.
Read the blog post at https://abovethelaw.com/legal-innovation-center/2018/05/17/evolve-law-summit-2018-investors-panel-podcast/
EL Summit Investor Panelists:
- Haley Altman, CEO, Doxly
- Jeroen Plink, Founder, Economy of One
- Mike Suchsland, Principal, Joplin Consulting
- Thornton McEnery, Executive Editor, Dealbreaker
Podcast Show Notes:
- What is needed for true disruption of the legal services industry.
- Advice to legal tech founders seeking capital infusion.
- On underestimating “chemistry” with your investor community.
- Having a business vs. having a “hobby.”
- How complicated legal workflows prohibit investment opportunities.
- Successful product development in legal tech.
- Finding and attracting talent to legal tech projects.
- Communicating the unique “nobility” of legal tech ventures.
- Panelist’s thoughts on IPOs.
- Compliance burdens and the volatility of the IPO market.
- Thornton’s takeaway thoughts from the Investors Panel. Legal tech as a legitimate B2B community.