Mary Juetten (@maryjuetten) is the CEO of Traklight, Of Counsel to Nimbus Legal and a professor of Technology Law. Her latest book The Business of Legal: The Data-Driven Law Practice draws from her business, accounting, and consulting background to provide advice for lawyers looking to improve their firms. Written in plain English, with simple case studies, Juetten has created a roadmap for attorneys and legal technicians to use data and process to drive change.
In this week’s episode of the Evolve the Law Podcast, Mary Juetten and host Ian Connett (@QuantumJurist) discuss Mary’s latest book, re-branding billable hours and paralegals, a future full of J.D. advantage jobs in A.I. and online courts, and what lawyers and law firms can learn from the medical and engineering professions.
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Show Notes
- Mary Juetten’s latest book – now available on Kindle for under $10!
- Understanding how to re-think, re-design and experiment with your law firm to drive positive change.
- Avoiding “impulse buying” in legal tech – starting with solving a specific problem.
- Using data to track how people are finding your firm.
- Why the way of the future involves subscription plans – what lawyers can learn from the other professions.
- Re-branding billable hours as “recordable hours.”
- Using time capture tools to measure performance vs. using it to bill clients, similar to how engineers do it.
- Tech tools Mary is using to reduce fiction in capturing recordable hours.
- The “tiered structure” of the medical profession and how it might be applied to legal education.
- A future of J.D. advantage jobs?
- The rise of legal A.I. supervisors and online dispute resolution platforms.
- Re-thinking paralegals and use of the term “access to justice.”
- How to get “The Business of Legal: The Data-Driven Law Practice” today!
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