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Gearing Up For Legaltech 2019

Check out these events at this year's show.

Today marks two weeks to kickoff of Legaltech 2019 held January 29-31st in New York City, and if you are in heading into the Big Apple, there are some events you won’t want to miss. Last year marked the first year that the conference was much more diverse in the range of technology for the legal industry and not just a glorified ediscovery event. This year, with the incredible number of new technologies that have entered the space, should be even better. It feels like the law — usually 10 years behind — is catching up, and I love it.

As per the new format, Legaltech is part of Legalweek where five events are going on simultaneously — Legal Marketing, Legal CIO, Business of Law Forum, Legal Diversity and Talent Management and Legaltech — ALL at the Hilton in Midtown. It’s nuts, but it’s also one of the best networking opportunities and the chance to see and meet with so many new technologies and connect in person.

I am a firm believer in getting to know the people behind a product, and Legaltech gives you the opportunity to do just that. While the exhibit hall was quite a bit smaller last year than previous years, the exhibitor list this year includes 26 different categories of providers to visit. Many set meetings off the floor with interested folks, so reach out to the ones you are interested in and see what you can set up in advance. You’ll have a one on one session that lets you dive deeper than you can do in an exhibit hall.

Events get started as early as Monday night and this year is no exception. Zapproved is hosting its annual Corporate eDiscovery Hero Awards on Monday night. As Craig Ball wrote this week on his blog, it should be entertaining when he interviews the iconic Bob Woodward — the best selling author and journalist who wrote Fear. Craig promises they’ll talk Trump.

Being honored with the Lifetime Achievement award this year is my friend John Facciola and I couldn’t be happier for him. Judge Facciola set a precedent (pun intended) for authoring thoughtful and detailed analysis in ediscovery decisions when ediscovery was in its infancy through some of the most complex issues before retiring from the bench. And perhaps more importantly, he is one of the best people you could meet. You need to register, and seating is limited. Tickets are $75 and the event is being held at the Edison Ballroom.

The show kicks off Tuesday morning with a keynote I’m looking forward to featuring Alberto Gonzales and Loretta Lynch, both former Attorneys General. The topic is fairly obscurely named “Leadership in the Profession of Law and How It is Changing”, and I can’t wait to hear their comments on the current state of play with their old job.

If you’re hungry before the keynote and willing to get up early, ACEDS is hosting a new #HealthyAlternative Walk/Run/Breakfast Event which is hosted by Berkeley Research Group and ACEDS on Tuesday morning at 6:30am with the theme “Start Where You Are.” The event is part of a year-long initiative that Alex Jacobs of BRG reached out to ACEDS to partner on as an alternative to happy hours. Walkers will meet in the lobby of the Hilton at 6:30am and be lead by Mary Mack, George Socha, David Greetham and Kaylee Walstad for a walk to the breakfast buffet at Ruth’s Chris. Runners will be lead by Alex Jacobs and Ben Hittle. The event is sponsored by Catalyst and Ricoh. No need to register, just show up.

If cocktails are your thing, ACEDS is also hosting their annual Drinks with Doug and Mary Tuesday at 4pm in which they partner with my good friends at Cloud Nine. I’ll be there together with great colleagues like Judges Peck and Francis, Chris Dale, Craig Ball, and the amazing Maura Grossman. I love these events because it’s an opportunity to meet so many new people and be in touch after the show. Is my theme of personal connection starting to resonate with you?  Good. You do need to register for this one, and space is limited, so sign up soon.

On Wednesday afternoon at 1:30, I’ll be joining some industry greats for a lively discussion (there will be buzzers) captioned “The State of the e-Discovery Union: a Roundtable on the Industry and the Profession.” Hosted by the great game show host David Horrigan of Relativity, I’m honored to be included among the star-studded list of panelists including Bob Ambrogi of Law Sites, Zach Warren, Editor-in-Chief of Legal Technology News, Mary Mack, Executive Director of ACEDS, Ari Kaplan of Ari Kaplan Advisors, Ryan O’Leary, Senior Research Analyst at IDC and Sean Pike, Program Vice-President, Security Products, also at IDC. We are gearing up for some fun and a very lively discussion, so please join us.

Legaltech is what you make of it and some advanced planning will help you make the most of your experience. There are many social events in the evenings and I encourage you to visit as many as possible. Go by yourself — you’ll find a friendly face and make some new connections. Our ediscovery field is challenging and it’s good to have compatriots who know and feel your pain.

Keep an eye out for new announcements coming from providers gearing up to and at the show — Bob Ambrogi always seems to have the scoop on his Law Sites blog before the rest of the world and he posts daily. This year should be a very interesting one and I’ll be doing a follow up after the show.

If you have other events going on that I can update this column with, please drop me a line and let me know.

See you in NYC!

Kelly TwiggerKelly Twigger gave up the golden handcuffs of her Biglaw partnership to start ESI Attorneys, an eDiscovery and information law Firm, in 2009. She is passionate about teaching lawyers and legal professionals how to think about and use ESI to win, and does so regularly for her clients. The Wisconsin State Bar named Kelly a Legal Innovator in 2014 for her development of eDiscovery Assistant— an online research and eDiscovery playbook for lawyers and legal professionals. When she’s not thinking, writing or talking about ESI, Kelly is wandering in the mountains of Colorado, or watching Kentucky basketball. You can reach her by email at Kelly@ediscoveryassistant.com or on Twitter: @kellytwigger.