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Small Law Firms, Websites

How Client Stories Can Help Your Law Firm’s Website

Publishing client stories on law firm websites is one way to showcase your unique company features and achieve your marketing goals.

In today’s competitive market, it has become more important than ever to construct the ideal law firm website. A modern website must explain its services, declare its brand, provide an enjoyable user experience while also following savvy marketing principles. Even after achieving most of these elements, some law firm websites unfortunately look similar to one another. However, publishing client stories on law firm websites is one way to showcase your unique company features, and client stories can also help you engage powerfully with visitors, connect with current clients and achieve your marketing goals. 

Why Use Client Stories?

Client stories are a form of “social proof”, taking a prospective client through the process from a familiar legal problem all the way to a successful solution. When a client story is supported by reliable data and completed with a clear call to action, this provides the visitor with reliable, concrete reasons to move on to the next action step. Client stories on law firm websites are effective tools for marketing, and they have been used for decades. However, today’s digital advancements make it possible to create and post client stories more easily and powerfully than ever before. 

Types of Client Stories on Law Firm Websites

Client stories can be created using a variety of methods, depending on how your law firm desires to use them. 

Client Stories in Text Form

A text-based narrative is the traditional way to present a client story. These are usually written as a case study, beginning with an initial problem and outlining the solution with appropriate details. With a text-based story, it may be helpful to break up written content with data charts or other graphics throughout the narrative. Written accounts like these are usually narrated in the third person. 

Client Stories in Video Form

Advancement in mobile streaming has made video content much more popular and accessible, and it is not surprising that law firms are using more video for their client success stories. Professionally produced video content coupled with a compelling story grabs the attention and can be more powerful than a text-based story, but one downside is that not every person can speak well on camera.

Client Stories in Interview Form

Another typical format for client stories is an interview, conducted in either text or video form. Interviews have the benefit of offering the client’s words directly to your target client audience, which can be powerfully motivating. 

5 Ways That Client Stories Help Your Law Firm’s Website

Every client story is different, and this is one reason why client success stories can be so valuable to your law firm’s website. Client stories can inject your website with value that cannot be accomplished on your own.

Give Validation By Peers

Client testimonial pages are among the most busy elements on many law firm websites, second only to the attorney bios. When individuals are in the market for a lawyer, case outcomes and testimonials are the top factors that influence potential clients. Although you have the expertise and excellent reputation, people need to know what others have experienced in using your legal services. Client stories are essentially the most believable (and free) form of advertising available.

Explain the Personal Beyond the Professional

Client stories provide the personal story behind the professional you. Although your website gives information, a client story can provide what goes beyond your skill set. You will be the one listening to and working closely with them, and they need to know they can trust you. A client can say with confidence what you cannot say about yourself, such as:

  • “I breathed a sigh of relief when I realized that at last that I had an advocate.”
  • “She sounded so impressive in the courtroom that all my fears faded away.”
  • “Despite his reputation for being an aggressive attorney, he is really nice in person.”
Affirm that Past Clients Are Real People

Client stories on law firm websites tell readers that your clients are normal people — just like them. Potential clients can relate to someone who has been through a similar situation, and may find themselves in the story. In addition to this, a client story gives a realistic account, but without jargon or fancy professional terms, which is helpful to the average person.

Remind Existing Clients About You

Although it may seem awkward at first to ask a client to provide a testimonial, it is advantageous to do so, since another subtle benefit is that when you ask a former client to share their story, they are once again reminded about the positive experience they had with your law firm. When a client recalls their experience, it reminds them why they hired you, and may be more likely to refer your law firm to another person. Many law firms send out routine newsletters or emails to stay in contact with clients, but asking for a testimonial is a natural, non-invasive way to stay connected with your former clients. Finally, people often feel honored that you asked for their help — especially if they feel that they can always give you both positive and negative feedback because you will listen to both. 

Provide An SEO Boost

Client stories on law firm websites are opportunities for stronger SEO. When adding client stories to your website, consider the following steps to further your SEO goals:

  • Choose appropriate long-tail keywords
  • Pick a keyword-based page title
  • Write a meta description that connects with the client story topic
  • Choose alt text for photos
  • Add appropriate links to related website articles

5 Steps for Client Stories on Law Firm Websites

If you feel awkward asking for a positive client story, you are not alone. However, the benefits are worth any initial discomfort, since your business relies on referrals from satisfied clients. Here are 5 steps to help you produce a solid client testimonial:

  1. Tell a compelling story: the facts shared in an interesting way.
  2. Be objective. Make sure that you present the story without hints of bias or self-promotion.
  3. Limit the length. In a text-based testimonial, aim for a maximum 900 words, broken up by visuals. Videos should be two to three minutes long. 
  4. Use pull-quotes: segments of important text or quotations pulled from the content and showcased in larger font. These excerpts attract attention and confirm essential story points. 
  5. Add a persuasive pitch. This takes the reader to the next step and can be a link to more content, a contact form, or another call-to-action. 

Ethical Considerations

Be sure to remember best practices when sharing client stories on law firm websites, while following proper ethics guidelines and state requirements. Here are a few things to consider:

  • Some attorneys are able to draft a story and allow the client to simply sign the document, but certain states prohibit this.
  • Some testimonials can be shared while the legal matter is still pending, but some states require signed client consent.
  • With some state exceptions, law firms are permitted to offer a perk (such as a gift card, or account credit) in exchange for a testimonial, as long as it is labeled as a paid endorsement. 

This Week’s Digital Marketing Action Step: 

Although the thought of asking for positive feedback in the form of a testimonial may seem awkward at first, client stories on law firm websites bring powerful benefits. Testimonials from clients are a key way to provide social proof to potential clients, confirming that you are a reliable and trustworthy business. Client stories reveal that behind your professional front, you are a genuine person and your past clients are real people who have been through similar experiences. Client stories are opportunities to produce SEO rich content that can support your marketing efforts and allow you a natural opportunity to reconnect with your loyal clients. 

  • Consider your list of past clients that you could request a testimonial from, and consider how you can place their client story on your law firm’s website. 

Annette Choti graduated from law school 20 years ago, and is now the CEO & Owner of Law Quill, a legal digital marketing agency focused on small and solo law firms. Law Quill is the only legal digital marketing agency that provides unique, SEO-optimized content, pre-packaged content, and courses for lawyers to learn SEO themselves through Law Quill Academy. Annette used to do theatre and professional comedy, which is not so different from the legal field if we are all being honest. Annette can be found on LinkedIn or at annette@lawquill.com