(Photo by SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images)
* Keep track of who’s who in the latest indictment. [Politico]
* Meanwhile, Abbe Lowell and Winston & Strawn have stepped up their collective role in the Hunter Biden case, arguing that the original plea agreement included binding government promises that didn’t evaporate just because the judge rejected the deal. [Law360]
* CFPB going after data brokers selling people’s personal data. Yet again, the government agency making the most direct, tangible impact for people is the one that still worries that every election might be its last. [Bloomberg Law News]
* Justice Department urges Supreme Court to deal with unconstitutional social media laws out of Texas and Florida. [Reuters]
* Has “flexibility” lost all meaning when it comes to law firm office scheduling? No. Just because some law firms try to engage in flexibility newspeak, doesn’t actually change its meaning. [American Lawyer]
* AI may not be ready to replace lawyers, but the California Innocence Project is leveraging the tool to assist in pursuit of justice. [ABA Journal]
* London Kirkland team headed to Paul Weiss resigned on a Sunday in a power move. [LegalCheek]