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Small Law Firms, Technology

The Most Significant Updates In The Case Management Sphere

Joshua Lenon of Clio and Christopher Lafferty of Caret talk over case management software's role in today's law firm operations.

ATL Legal Tech Non-Event Promo Image 1Law practice management software is still one of the lynchpin technology products that an attorney needs to run an effective and efficient law firm. It remains a baseline technology for law practices, decades on.

So, we brought Joshua Lenon of Clio and Christopher Lafferty of the newly rebranded Caret, to talk over the most significant updates in the case management software sphere. 

Joshua and Chris kick things off by talking over how they believe AI has affected, and will come to effect, law practice management software (6:09, 8:09). 

The two also address how case management software has been able to support the virtual workforce effectively (17:03). 

But don’t worry — Chris and Joshua also consider the continued importance of human lawyers, even in an environment where AI will continue to predominate (23:55). 

Lastly, they discuss the value of folding payment systems into case management softwares (26:51).

Both the present and future of law practice management software is bright, especially with the potential significant impact of AI applications. 

So, if you’re not into a case management software yet, it’s time to get in, and, if you are: listen to this podcast, to leverage more of what you’re already paying for.

Feel free to also visit the Practice Management section of the Non-Event for more podcasts and commentary, along with your guide to the latest resources. (The Non-Event is supported by vendor sponsorships.)

Jared Correia, a consultant and legal technology expert, is the host of the Non-Eventcast, the featured podcast of the Above the Law Non-Event for Tech-Perplexed Lawyers.