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In-House Counsel

How Collaboration Fuels The Rise Of Legal Operations

Through regular forums, workshops, and conferences, we've cultivated a culture where learning and mutual support advance the profession.

teamwork-3213924_1280The legal operations field has experienced significant transformation over the past decade, largely fueled by a burgeoning community of professionals dedicated to advancing the practice.

My journey in helping to create and advance opportunities for collaboration has not only been personally rewarding but has also offered a front-row seat to the industry’s evolution.

I believe that the core tenets of legal operations — effective communication, fostering growth, and community building — have propelled the industry forward. 

Building on Communication and Collaboration

At the heart of legal operations is the imperative to streamline legal processes and enhance the efficiency of legal teams. This goal cannot be achieved without robust communication strategies.

Legal operations teams thrive when there is an open exchange of ideas and solutions that address common challenges within and across organizations.

Groups like CLOC and LINK have been instrumental in creating platforms for these exchanges, helping legal operations professionals from various backgrounds share insights and best practices.

Through regular forums, workshops, and conferences, we’ve cultivated a culture where learning and mutual support advance the profession.

These interactions have not only facilitated smoother workflows within teams but have also underscored the importance of legal operations to the broader business ecosystem.

The ability to articulate and align legal strategies with business objectives is a skill that we’ve passionately fostered within the community.

Empowering Professionals to Thrive

Another cornerstone of legal operations is personnel development. Throughout my career, I have always prioritized educational growth and professional development for my teams, and communities like CLOC, LINK, and others offer encouragement and support.

By providing legal operations professionals with the tools and knowledge to excel, we empower them to make impactful changes within their organizations. This empowerment extends beyond mere operational efficiency; it creates a sense of ownership and pride in their work, leading to more fulfilled and motivated teams.

The growth of the legal operations field has also brought about a recognition of its strategic importance. Companies now see legal operations not just as a support function but as a strategic partner that drives business value.

This shift is a direct result of the tireless work of community members who advocate for the recognition of legal ops as a pivotal element of corporate success.

Observing Industry Growth and Recognition

Reflecting on the past several years, the expansion of the legal operations community has been nothing short of remarkable. From a niche group of professionals, we’ve grown into a robust, global community.

This growth has been paralleled by an increasing acknowledgment of the value legal operations bring to businesses.

Companies are more inclined than ever to invest in legal operations, recognizing the direct correlation between efficient legal processes and overall business success. With the rise of GAI, businesses will rely even more on their legal operations teams to skillfully guide and advise. 

This recognition was not achieved overnight. It has been a concerted effort of many who have dedicated their careers to advocating for the strategic role of legal operations. Personally, witnessing this evolution has been immensely gratifying.

The community we’ve built not only supports the professional growth of individual members but also continuously pushes the boundaries of what we can achieve as an industry.

Looking Forward

As we look to the future, the role of community in legal operations continues to be of paramount importance. The challenges we face — be it integrating new technologies or developing new business models — are complex and ever-evolving.

The collective wisdom of the community will be crucial in navigating these challenges. Through continued collaboration and mutual support, we can ensure that legal operations not only respond to the needs of the present but also shape the future of legal services.

The journey of growing and nurturing the legal operations community has been both a personal and professional triumph. It underscores a fundamental truth: our strength lies in our community.

Together, we have transformed legal operations into a critical component of business success, and together, we will continue to define the cutting edge of the industry.

For those within the legal operations field or considering a venture into this dynamic area, remember that community is your most valuable asset. Engage, learn, and contribute — the growth of the industry hinges on the collaboration of its members, and its future is bright with promise.

SCorey Mar 2024Stephanie Corey is a co-founder and CEO of UpLevel Ops. Stephanie also co-founded LINK (Legal Innovators Network), a legal operations organization exclusively for experienced, in-house professionals. She previously founded the legal operations trade organization CLOC (Corporate Legal Operations Consortium) and is a former executive member. Please feel free to contact and connect with her on LinkedIn