Zach Abramowitz
Posts by Zach Abramowitz
Litera Microsystems Acquires Lawyer-Founded Startup Doxly
Lawyers will point to Doxly as an example of the lawyer (an equity partner no less) who left her big firm to start a legal tech startup which she sold in just over three years.
Notes From A Legal Binge (Part II)
Legal technology has gone from something that no one cared about to one of the industry’s most important sectors — and the conversation continues to mature.
Notes From A Legal Industry Binge (Part I)
Legal technology has gone from something that no one cared about to #AI, #legaltech, and #unicornlawyers — and the conversation continues to mature.
This shift would benefit an industry with a reputation for ever-thinning margins.
Why eDiscovery Vendors Are Moving Beyond eDiscovery: Conversation With CDS Legal’s Kate Hutchinson
More and more eDiscovery vendors are looking at technology-enabled contract review.
A Conversation With Jason Boehmig Of IronClad
Legal tech conversations from the cabana at CLOC.
eDiscovery Meets Contract Review: Live Conversation With Heretik CEO Charlie Connor
If you want to get smarter about this space and know a little more about what’s going on under the hood, this is a great conversation to follow.
Law Firms Leading On Innovation? Live Conversation From ALT Conference
The emphasis here is less on tech companies and more on law firms using technology to implement better process.
Legal Tech In 2018: Could This Be The Year That Biglaw Strikes Back?
Is your firm working on something innovative? It better be if it wants to keep up with the competition.
Could WalkMe Increase Adoption Of Legal Technology?
Only time and increased awareness will tell whether WalkMe, which has been a solution in just about every other vertical, will be adopted in legal.
Why Integreon Acquired Allegory: Live Conversation With Bob Rowe And Alma Asay
Why did Integreon buy Allegory and what do they have in store?
These 2017 Hires Show That Legal Tech Is Growing Up
Hires don’t have the eye-grabbing attention of funding rounds or acquisitions, but they’re an important way to assess where an industry is headed.
Why Is Lawyer Slack Becoming LawyerSmack? Live Conversation With Keith Lee
More importantly, how are lawyers using Lawyer Slack to drive business and improve their practice?
From Biglaw To Legal Tech Startup: A Conversation With Logikcull’s Alexander Su
Why did Alex make this career move, and how can you follow his blueprint?
Conversation With VortexLegal Founder Jonathan Broder
How is VortexLegal building a business around hearing attendance? Follow along with this conversation to find out.
What Role Will Relativity Play In The Future of Legal Disruption?
Relativity is making a real investment in innovation, and they want more lawyers learning about disruptive trends and startups.
At RelativityFest? Come Say Hi
Zach Abramowitz would love to meet lawyers and legal tech enthusiasts at this conference.