Conferences / Symposia
‘Way Overdue’ Or ‘Complete Waste Of Time’? What ATL Readers Think Of The Return To In-Person Events
Just in time for Legalweek, we bring you the musings of your peers.
Conferences / Symposia, Legal Procurement, Legal Technology
Is Legal Procurement The Disruptor We’ve Been Waiting For?
In the legal procurement world, the concept that legal is a business isn’t disputed and the notion that law firms and lawyers aren’t fungible is. Imagine that.
Conferences / Symposia, Legal Technology
Finalists For Clio’s $100,000 Launch//Code Contest For Best New Integration Announced
The finalists will pitch for the big prize on October 4 at the 2018 Clio Cloud Conference in New Orleans.
Conferences / Symposia, In-House Counsel, Technology
A tipping point for legal operations?
Conferences / Symposia, Small Law Firms
4 Trends Shaping The Future Of The Legal Profession
Trends to watch if you want to succeed as a lawyer in a rapidly changing environment.
Conferences / Symposia, Technology Car Bombs With Casey And The Crew
Insights on innovation from legal tech guru Casey Flaherty, live from ILTACON.
Conferences / Symposia, Technology
The Clio Cloud Conference Moves To New Orleans
When a conference is in New Orleans, there’s bound to be fun.
Conferences / Symposia, Technology
The Pace Of Change In The Law Is Killing Lawyers
The pace of change in the legal industry is simply appalling.
Conferences / Symposia, Technology
This Is Why You Absolutely Have To Get On Your Firm’s Tech Committee
Demand a seat at the technology table. Your profession relies on it.
Conferences / Symposia, Technology
As ILTACON Convenes In Sunny Las Vegas, A Cloud Hangs Overhead
What prompted ILTA’s last-minute reshuffling of several key management positions?
Conferences / Symposia, Technology
Just Days Before Its Annual Conference, ILTA Reshuffles Its Management
The timing isn’t optimal, according to tech columnist Bob Ambrogi.
Conferences / Symposia, Libraries / Librarians, Technology
AALL: The Other Legal Tech Conference
To attend AALL is to spend time with the most technologically savvy and innovative minds in the legal profession.
Conferences / Symposia, Technology
Overlap In August: ABA Annual Meeting And ILTACON
You’re sure to meet terrific and passionate lawyers and other legal professionals at these events.
Conferences / Symposia, Technology
Mardi Gras, The Saints, And… Clio Con
Why should you attend Clio Con? LexBlog’s Kevin O’Keefe has all of the details, and more.
Conferences / Symposia, Technology
Mixing Work With Play: Baseball And CLE
Baseball and continuing legal education — what’s not to like?
Conferences / Symposia, Technology
Chatbots And Tool Tips Welcome Spring
A cool new tool can give you real-time advice about your rights as an airline passenger.
Conferences / Symposia, Technology
ABA TECHSHOW 2017: The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same
The speaker roster at ABA TECHSHOW 2017 was radically different from years past.
Conferences / Symposia, Technology
ABA TECHSHOW Post-Mortem: Not Your Granddaddy’s Legal Tech Conference
TECHSHOW is more than 30 years old, but the atmosphere felt as fresh and energetic as at any contemporary conference.