Emoji in eDiscovery: Do You Get My Meaning?
What began as a simple way to add emotion to text communication has become discoverable content.
Remote eDiscovery: Pandemic Accommodation or Improvement
Figuring out how to effectively work remotely is no longer a choice.
You Gotta Know When To Hold ‘Em . . .
Why is it that in 2019 we’re still talking about legal holds like we’ve never heard of them before?
Planning For And Getting eDiscovery From Third Parties
Collecting third-party documents can be fraught, and without thinking ahead, you can unwittingly create needless challenges to getting data.
Who’s Who In The Race To Become The Special Master Over The Docs Seized In The Cohen Raid
Who’s in the running to be the Special Master in the Cohen case?
Your eDiscovery Excel Nightmares Are Over
Tired of pulling out your hair when you face these issues? These tips will change your life.
Want To Save Money In eDiscovery? Here’s A 3-Step Plan.
eDiscovery doesn’t have to be a mad scramble. Cost-effective, smart discovery means taking a logical, thoughtful approach.
eDiscovery, Litigators, Technology
Use An Early Preservation Letter To Help Define And Narrow Scope
Here are some helpful bullet points describing what information can go into the letter.
eDiscovery, Litigators, Technology
Wait, No Go. Wait, No Go. Striking The Balance On When To Incur Costs For eDiscovery.
This problem can be solved, but it requires advance planning, strategy, and some expenditure.
eDiscovery, Litigators, Technology
A Quick Reference Guide To Understanding eDiscovery Pricing
Ediscovery columnist Kelly Twigger walks you through the different cost components for ediscovery.
eDiscovery, Litigators, Technology
The Crucial Role Of The Project Manager In eDiscovery
Dealing with ediscovery is complex, and the details to be handled are endless.
eDiscovery, Litigators, Technology
7 Networking Tips That Will Reap Benefits Fast
Making real connections is key — and it’s not as hard as you think.
eDiscovery, Litigators, Technology
Innovation And The Law: Technology To Assist With The Dreaded RFP Process
Ediscovery columnist Kelly Twigger discusses a powerful new tool to help more clients get better access to services.
eDiscovery, Litigators, Technology
5 Tips On How To Avoid Your Own Wells Fargo Moment
If you need a reason to get your ducks in a row with the handling of electronic information, here’s your wake-up call.
eDiscovery, Litigators, Technology
This Is Every Lawyer’s Worst Discovery Nightmare
Total unforced error.
eDiscovery, Litigators, Technology
Why Metrics Are The Key To Managing Costs In Discovery
Data drives decisions in business — and the same is true in the discovery of ESI.
eDiscovery, Politics, Social Media, Social Networking Websites, Technology
Are Donald Trump’s Tweets Self-Authenticating?
A big issue for litigators today: how to preserve, produce, and introduce social media evidence at trial.
eDiscovery, Litigators, Technology
No Preliminary Injunction For You! The Latest On The Battle Between eDiscovery Providers
The latest evidence in the case suggests that the allegations of the complaint are not close to the truth.