State Judges
Federal Judges, State Judges, Technology
Ravel Law Launches Court Analytics For Federal And State Courts
A new tool lets you see a court’s most-cited opinions and judges, as well as the courts and judges it cites most often.
Facebook, Legal Ethics, State Judges, Technology
If You Are a Judge, Do Your Facebook Friends Matter?
It seems there is an interesting emerging trend in litigation these days: When a ruling doesn’t go your way, just make an appeal alleging judicial conflict of interest. Same-sex marriage opponents wanted California judge Vaughn Walker to recuse himself from Prop. 8 hearings because he is gay. If and when the Supreme Court decides to […]
Crime, Prisons, State Judges, Technology, Trials, Videos
Video Arraignments Save Money and Make Judges Feel Safer
Maybe I’m just naive, but I find the concept of conducting any courtroom business via video enthralling but also a bit unnerving. It seems so inconsistent with the mythical and timeless ideals of the hallowed halls of justice, yadda yadda yadda. Whether we like it or not, however, video conferencing is creeping into courthouses across […]