Access to justice
What If AI Is Actually WORSE For Access To Justice?
The tool is only as good as the data it feeds on… and a lot of that costs money.
Fake Lawyer Gives Fake Lawyers A Bad Name
Not being a lawyer doesn’t make someone a scam artist.
Access To Justice And Strict Unlicensed Practice Laws
Check out the week in review on the legal technology front!
Legal Tech Tools Can Be Vastly Improved, California Bar Task Force Told
Access-to-justice expert Rebecca Sandefur also encourages panel to consider loosening unauthorized practice restrictions.
A Potentially Major Lifeline For Low-Income Legal Tech And A2J
The Pew Charitable Trusts will tackle the use of technology to modernize the civil legal justice system.
A Year Ago: The Path Less Traveled
Every lawyer must go beyond talking about access to justice and take action.
DoNotPay Is the Latest Legal Tech Darling, But Some Are Saying Do Not Click
The world’s first robot lawyer?
Yet Another Access-To-Justice Debate: Has The Legal Profession Reached An Inflection Point?
Hmm, maybe nonlawyer ownership of law firms would help…
Mapping The Obstacles To Innovation In Law
What needs to change for the legal profession to better deliver services to all who need them?
Legal Tech For A Change Project Launches
The LTC program officially launches later this month, but you can visit the website now for more information at
The Next Step In The Evolution
In the fall of 2014, I was traveling to an innovation event at Stanford, emailing leads to fellow entrepreneurs, and dreaming up an easy way to direct attorneys contract management and IP docketing solutions.
It Takes A Village: Prepaid Legal’s Contribution To Access To Justice
Legal plans suffer from a lack of awareness and understanding here in the U.S., but form an important solution for access to justice for many Americans.
* Former Biglaw associate launches patent data app to help startups identify existing patents that could prevent their ability to obtain new ones. [Artificial Lawyer] * Bitcoin gets a positive review from lawyers who have decided to start accepting it. [Legaltech News] * BYU Law’s LawX legal design lab launches SoloSuit, an online tool to provide […]
* Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard about the Bomb Cyclone that buried the East Coast. Is AI the answer to how businesses survive such natural disasters? [Recode] * If your New Year’s resolution was to finally launch that startup, you’ll want to avoid these common mistakes. [] * The Florida […]
* We all know you need a law degree to practice law, right? LegalZoom might have missed the memo. [ABA Journal] * The list of legal tech startups continues to grow as we enter the new year. [Law Sites Blog] * Will 2018 be the year legal tech creates access to justice for all? [Evolve […]
Access To Justice Through Technology For 2018
2018 will be the year that we move the needle on access to justice for all citizens using technology.
Using Technology To Overcome The Politics Of Personal Arbitration And Increase Access To Justice
Arbitration’s fightin’ words in some circles – it invokes impassioned detractors and dedicated defenders alike. Some people are overly dismissive, while others are unaware of the potential pitfalls. Most, though, just know nothing about it. As the founder of a modern A(O)DR enterprise software platform, FairClaims, I have mixed feelings on the subject. I’m confident […]