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ATL Tech Center 2025


Business Advice

  • New Ideas, Technology

    Changing Attitudes to Technology Starts with Incentives

    Technologists seem mystified that lawyers don’t embrace efficiency-enhancing innovations. Despite our reluctance to face it, as lawyers, we need look no further than our rewards structure to see why. Billable hours reward inefficiency. And that rewards structure has remained in place with the help of ethical fading. We think that we’re simply using the existing […]

  • Technology

    Week in Review: 1.19.18

    * Microsoft predicts that “AI Law” will be a major field of practice in the future. [Artificial Lawyer] * AI manages to best humans at the Stanford University reading test. Is the machine takeover here? [Engadget] * Don’t quit your job just yet. Those Stanford reading test results may not mean what the tech giants […]

  • Technology

    Why Better Technology Implementation Isn’t About the Tech

    One mistake, possibly more than any other, is the reason behind so many failed legal technology purchases. And law firm management and software vendors are equally to blame: they both treat the purchasing decision as the end goal. The result is a landscape littered with failed technology and innovation initiatives that is bad for management […]

  • New Ideas

    Four Tips for a Non-Traditional Legal Career

    As a General Counsel & Product Manager at Alt Legal, I really have an alternative legal career. I’m a lawyer. I review and draft all of our company’s legal work. I wear some variation of a Canadian tuxedo to work almost every day. I do customer support. I blog. I am the Product Manager, so […]

  • New Ideas

    The Art of Being an Intrapreneur, Part III – The Intrapreneur’s Stretch

    Introducing a new service offering in an established company presents its own unique challenges. Much like you would in traditional start-up, you’ll be selling services and, in many instances, delivering, too — at least at the beginning. At the same time, you’ll be teaching others in your company to either sell the new services or […]

  • Technology

    How the Tech We Get Holds Back the Tech We Need

    Introduction It’s been nearly ten years since the financial crisis of 2008, yet the legal industry is still reeling from it. Lawyers felt the shift from seller’s market to buyer’s market, but we weren’t sure that it would be permanent and didn’t know how to respond. For technology enthusiasts, the answer seemed obvious: use more […]

  • Technology

    Week in Review: 12.1.17

    * Magic Circle powerhouse Slaughter and May has backed A.I. platform Luminance in its $10M funding round. [The Lawyer] * Adding to the tech investment wave across the pond, UK-based Mishcon de Reya has invested in two legal tech startups. [Aritificial Lawyer] * Stateside, global LSP Integreon is acquiring litigation management software  provider Allegory. [Above the Law] * […]

  • New Ideas

    The Art of Being an Intrapreneur Part II: You Accepted the Challenge, Now What?

    In our first installment, we discussed how to decide whether to accept your company’s invitation to build a new business line. Today, we cover what happens next, after you’ve accepted the challenge. Making a smart decision to take on the development of a new service offering is undeniably important, but what happens after you make the […]

  • Technology

    Week in Review: 11.10.17

    * Legal A.I. and technology are great, but they only mean something if law firms actually use them. [3 Geeks and a Law Blog] * In the battle of A.I. vs. lawyers, the machines won. Or did they? [ride the lightning] * Legal A.I. might not be the rise of the machines, but is it […]

  • New Ideas

    The Art of Being an Intrapreneur: Building Your Company’s Next Great Business Line

    Over the course of my career, I have been asked to help build several new practices or service lines within an existing business. While there’s a lot of guidance for entrepreneurs bringing new services to the legal services industry, little guidance is offered for the intrapreneur. Taking on the challenge of building a new business […]

  • Biglaw, In-House Counsel, Job Searches, Technology

    Rewire The Legal Profession With More Business Training For Lawyers

    It won’t be easy to rewire lawyers, but if law firms and businesses employing lawyers want to succeed, they must.