ChatGPT Exec Says AI Will Replace $2000/Hr Paralegals… Who Wants To Tell Her?
Tell me you don’t understand this industry without telling me you don’t understand this industry.
Law Schools Are Burying Their Heads In The Sand About Generative AI
The majority of law schools are just ignoring the reality of modern technology.
OpenAI Made ChatGPT Sound Like Scarlett Johansson… But Is There Any Legal Problem With That?
OpenAI didn’t name the new ChatGPT voice ‘ScaRleTt JoHAnsSoN’ but might as well have.
Artificial Intelligence May Not Disrupt The Legal Profession For A While
The work of artificial intelligence definitely still needs to be reviewed by a lawyer.
Maybe We’ve Got The Artificial Intelligence In Law ‘Problem’ All Wrong
Perhaps artificial intelligence could stand to be a little less human.
Lawyers Still Haven’t Learned ChatGPT Just Isn’t For Them
It isn’t meant for legal research.
Despite OpenAI’s legal positioning and steps to act responsibly when it comes to copyright issues in this new and uncertain legal and technological landscape, it has proven unable to avoid being hauled into court.
AI And Ambiguity: Dueling Concepts?
The more complex the inquiry, the greater the tendency to hallucinate, at least for the AIs.
Lawyers Can Innocently Cite To Nonexistent Authorities
Not every instance of incorrect citation involves a lawyer twirling a mustache and cackling in a sinister fashion.
Hard to see how the attorney-client privilege gets involved in citing fake cases.
Won’t somebody please think of the English majors?
It seems that generative AI has struck again.
Harvard Law School Professor Finds ChatGPT Invents Fake Law Less Than The Supreme Court
ChatGPT can figure out how broken Citizens United was, but then it’s not actively on the take.
The Use Of Copyrighted Works As Training Material May Be In Vogue, But Is It Infringement?
Numerous IP issues arise with the use of AI in fashion.
Informed Consent: Practical Tips To Discuss AI Use With Clients
Clients can have unrealistic expectations about what AI can achieve.
How Generative AI Works (Part III)
A discussion on how training works for generative AI tools like ChatGPT.