Fox News
Push To Strip Fox’s Broadcast License Over Election Lies Gains New Momentum
From the ‘hey at least we’re trying something’ department.
Harvey Not-So Marvy, Booze Lose, Fox Shox
And, of course, the latest from Trump World!
* Congratulations to Howard Bashman and our sister site How Appealing on 15 great years! [How Appealing]
* Roger Ailes, RIP. [Instapundit]
* Fellowships for training law professors are now a thing — but are they a good thing, wonders Professor Paul Horwitz? [PrawfsBlawg]
* “Immigration, Freedom, and the Constitution” — reflections on these timely topics from Professor Ilya Somin. [Volokh Conspiracy / Washington Post]
* Professor Leah Litman breaks down Rod Rosenstein’s appointment of Robert Mueller as special counsel in the Trump/Russia investigation. [Take Care]
* Tips from cyberspace lawyer Andrew Rossow for victims of the recent “WannaCry” ransomware attack. [Huffington Post]