Guns / Firearms
* Federal judge wants the dysfunctional Federal Circuit to go to couples therapy — or mediation as he called it. [Bloomberg Law News]
* California decides it’s far too difficult to hold employers liable for exposing employees to COVID so it just… won’t. [Law360]
* Judge in trouble for lip synching. Like you’d WANT to hear a judge’s singing voice? [ABA Journal]
* Supreme Court looks to make it safe for violent domestic abusers to stockpile guns again. Maybe they’ll bother to read the cases they cite… unlike the circuit court. [Reuters]
* Top ten highest paid CEO list reveals it’s good to be in legal tech. [CNBC]
* Just because the law determines that someone is a dangerous threat to others, the Fifth Circuit rules that court orders still can’t take away their guns because that’s a fundamental right. You know, walking around as a free person is a fundamental right too… can the justice system still put criminals in prison? [Reuters]
* Lizzo is now officially 100 percent that bitch. [Law360]
* Baker McKenzie office managing partner steps aside amid investigation into office-wide discrimination claims. [LegalCheek]
* Mergers are going to get bigger. Which is the point of all mergers, but we mean a lot bigger. [American Lawyer]
* Data breaches are going to get costlier to deal with. So maybe plan ahead? Or don’t… plaintiffs lawyers need work too. [ Barometer]
* FINALLY. Firm leaders willing to come right out and say that “recession” fears are overblown at this point. Regular followers of Above the Law might have heard this point five or six hundred times over the last six months. [American Lawyer]
* Covington sued for non-compliance in client data leak investigation. If a leak happens in the woods and no one properly investigates it, does it even happen, really? []
* Supreme Court allows New York gun regulations to stand while Second Circuit litigation continues. Congratulations New York! You get to exercise the state sovereignty to regulate guns guaranteed by the actual text of the Second Amendment… for a few more months. [Law360]
* Sam Bankman-Fried is blogging on Substack now? Perfect client, 10 out of 10, no notes! [Reuters]
* New high-powered firm set up to fight threats to democracy. It’s a growth industry. [New York Times]
Thought law abiding people had nothing to hide…
Former Law School Student, Current Wacko, Charged With Sexual Assault Of A Minor
3D guns guru faces some legal problems.
School Board Demands Journalists Be Punished For Reporting On The School Board’s Redaction Failure
Sometimes lawyers need to understand basic technology.
* Brett Kavanaugh built up around $200K in debt buying Washington Nationals tickets. This may be the Federalist Society’s biggest vetting failure ever because all real conservative jurists would say they went $200K in debt buying Montreal Expos tickets. [Deadspin]
* Ohio pulls obscure law out of a hat to harass Stormy Daniels for daring to point out that Donald Trump is a scumbag. [NY Times]
* “Jesus never broke immigration law” says Evangelical Trumper whose religion is entirely based on a guy admitting he was an outlaw and getting the death penalty for it. [Vox]
* Just when you were getting used to WestlawNext, WestlawEdge is here to radically change the game. [LegaltechNews]
* Texas professors who don’t want to die will take their case to the Fifth Circuit. [CBS News]
* Lawyer says Shady orchestrated the assault on his ex. [Denver Post]
* Trump pardoned the thugs who put the lives of firefighters in danger and then inspired an armed standoff with federal officers and then Mike Pence’s buddy gave them a private jet home. [Oregon Live]
* Which lawyers and law firms scored the most SCOTUS arguments this Term? Adam Feldman has the tally. [Empirical SCOTUS]
* And speaking of the Supreme Court, what can lawyers learn from linguists about Heller and the Second Amendment? [LAWnLinguistics]
* Adam Kolber discusses the phenomenon of “judicial bulls**t” — and wonders whether the justices would fail Philosophy 101. [Daily Journal via PrawfsBlawg]
* Are Justice Neil Gorsuch’s long-winded concurrences contributing to the Supreme Court slowdown this Term? Andrew Hamm crunches some numbers. [SCOTUSblog]
* Many of the major precedents in the school free-speech context feature liberal students — but conservative kids can play this game too. [Volokh Conspiracy / Reason]
* Lex Machina’s latest foray into litigation analytics covers the world of trade secrets. [Dewey B Strategic]
* Relativity: not just for ediscovery anymore. [Artificial Lawyer]
* Prosecutors raid Jones Day. This is not a joke. [Am Law Daily]
* Jim Harbaugh’s gonna be pissed. [ABA Journal]
* Harvard Law grad sentenced in kidnapping case. [SF Gate]
* Judge Gorsuch doesn’t really buy legislative history because sticking your fingers in your ears and going, “na, na, na, I’m not listening” is always solid jurisprudence. [Corporate Counsel]
* Should privilege cover PR flacks? [Law360]
* Lawyers may hate numbers, but clients don’t. [Legaltech News]
* Florida wants to bolster its stand your ground law, because there’s never been any problems with it. [Washington Post]
Guns / Firearms, Quote of the Day, Rank Stupidity, Social Media, Technology, Twittering, Violence
Quote of the Day: Yeah, No; You’re Not Even Close
A fashion company makes an embarrassing Twitter blunder. Basic research is important, people.
7th Circuit, Benchslaps, Frank Easterbrook, Guns / Firearms, Technology
Benchslap of the Day: You Were Late for a Very Important Date, Deal with It
This plaintiff learns a hard lesson in blown deadlines…