Social Media
The legal industry faces constant changes in ethics guidelines, but law firms still must keep in step with ethics in their legal marketing efforts.
Image Sizing Guide For Social Media
Here is a quick guide for image sizing for social media in 2021, so get it while it’s hot!!
17 Ways to Improve Your Legal Blog!
If your law firm is looking to draw more traffic and maximize its marketing efforts, consider spending some time focusing on your legal blog.
Optimize Your Law Firm’s LinkedIn Profile
93% of lawyers used LinkedIn. Make sure your law firm’s LinkedIn profile maximizes all opportunities for reaching potential clients and creating a strong referral network.
Learn how attorneys are using TikTok successfully to generate quality leads and attract traffic to their website and other online platforms.
The Next Social Media Frontier For Lawyers: Clubhouse
None of the new social media platforms have been particularly useful for lawyers — until now that is.
How To Promote Your Law Blog Article: Part 4
This is the final article of a four-part series in December on the topic of fresh content and blogs for your law firm’s website. Today we focus on how to get your article noticed and increase clicks to your website.
Some Law Firms Need Better LinkedIn Practices
Law firms should improve their LinkedIn practices to ensure that employees are not pressured into engaging with their employer’s content on LinkedIn.
Announcements, Events, Legal Technology
Our weekly roundup of news and announcements from the Evolve the Law and legal tech community.
Well, it looks like one guy is scurrying from the fight.
It’s just not going to happen.
Stop Posting This Facebook/Instagram Privacy Notice — Your Pseudo-Legalese Means NOTHING!
This Facebook hoax has been meaningless for almost EIGHT years. STOP!
Judges Rail Against Social Media Mostly Because They’re Soft
They want to call out the real problem… but they can’t.
Stop Posting This Facebook Privacy Notice — Your Pseudo-Legalese Means NOTHING!
This Facebook hoax has been meaningless for SEVEN years. STOP!
Evolve Law Summit 2018: PageVault
Jeff Eschbach, CEO of Page Vault speaks with Ian Connett and Dan Lear at the EL Summit in Chicago.