Wall Street
Boutique Law Firms, Money, Small Law Firms, Technology
The Advent Of ‘Blockchain’ And What It May Mean For Lawyers
Blockchain will bring disputes — and good lawyers need to be ready.
Money, Technology, Wall Street
What People Can Teach Machines
The reality of machine learning doesn’t live up to the hype — and this creates opportunities.
Biglaw, General Counsel, In-House Counsel, Technology
5 Ways In Which The Business Of Law Is NOT Changing Anytime Soon
Are we experiencing, or about to experience, a revolution in the world of legal services? Slow your roll….
Wall Street Is Dreaming Of Megamergers Under Trump — Including A Verizon-Comcast Super Union
Things are going to get big in telecom…
Copyright, Cyrus Vance, Goldman Sachs, Intellectual Property, Technology, Wall Street
Shouldn’t Somebody Be Suing Goldman Sachs Right Now?
A new article in Vanity Fair hints at a legal time bomb for the high-frequency trading industry: copyright infringement.