From a bored Bar/Bri student:
This is how effective Barbri is this year: this little origami creature (see image below) was created by a student in the NY review course…. during the course. It took her two Corporations lectures and one Conflict of Laws lecture to complete. And she didn’t skip a beat — she had plenty of time to “fill in the blanks,” as we are instructed to do on our lecture handouts.
Can’t believe this elaborate creation is actually origami? Read more, after the jump.
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After we expressed incredulity — isn’t origami simple stuff, like paper cranes? — the tipster elaborated:
It’s seriously made of little sheets of black origami paper…with the addition of the plastic eyes, ribbon collar (which includes a working bell!), and string whiskers. For the first day or so, we all thought she was rolling black joints. Then all the folded little pieces of paper started to take shape…
She literally brought a craft “kit” to class each day and spread it out on her desk. Talk about being prepared for class!
We wish the origami artist the best of luck on the New York bar exam. It sure would suck to fail the bar because you spent too much time folding paper rather than reading it.
Then again, arts-and-crafts skills may be more in demand than legal skills right now. At least the creature creator has a fallback option! If she has been deferred by her firm, she could make an entire origami zoo during her year away from Biglaw.